Emotional Maturity Emerges From Opposite Truths

Have you ever worked with someone whom you deeply dislike and still figured out a way to collaborate with them for the sake of the deal/project/business?

Apr 2

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Bicycle Scar - TRAUMA and HEALING

 As we embark on a new year, it's an opportune moment for self-reflection.

Jan 11

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Are You Reacting or Responding to Life?

You may have heard or uttered the words reaction and response interchangeably, however, these two words represent two very different approaches of engaging with life events and with life itself.If you are interested in the origins of words, you will quickly find that reaction is an action exerted ...

Dec 5

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


World Mental Health Day Tip: Change vs Outcomes

    World Mental Health day tip:

Oct 11

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Energy and Intensity

Imagine starting every single day with a 15 minutes cuddle session with your partner.

Oct 1

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Relationships Series - Your Relationship Palace

Sep 6

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Relationships Series - Your Best Adversary

I wrote previously about the importance of conflict in a healthy, intimate, adult relationship. Today I would like to offer some thoughts on the importance of our ...

May 30

Categories: Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance, Marital Counseling, ...


Relationships Series - Conflict

To celebrate the launch of our brand-new OM-Wellness Relationships series of events (Relationships Discovery ...

Apr 18

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Useful New Year Affirmations

The arrival of the new year often leads to a moment of deeper reflection. Deeper than the usual time, focus and attention we afford ourselves and our lives. And so, what an apt moment to support this moment with some important reminders.

Jan 5

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Are Emotions Real?

I am driving long distance and a random conversation about emotions starts with the other passenger. “Are emotions real? How do I know if my fear is real?” “What an amazing question!” I thought. What followed was a hour-long, healthy and constructive dialogue on ...

Nov 30

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


When I Used To Be A YouTube Addict!

You may not know that there was a period, not so long ago, when I was a YouTube addict. The story takes place during the same period of the roof top experience ...

Nov 4

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Evolution of Self in Relationships

Sep 27

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Co-Existence of Mental and Physical Health

I dream of a world where mental and physical health co-exist as complementing therapies and life priorities.A few days ago, this Instagram story from one of my clients inspired me to share these thoughts on mental health.

Jun 28

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Stress Management


The Lessons We Learn From Every Day Experiences

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to my partner and I found myself telling her this story… It’s the spring of 2002, I just stepped out of the front carriage of the Piccadilly Line train on the London Underground. It is late in the evening, and the platform is basically deserted. My ...

Apr 26

Categories: Empathy, Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance, Other


Three Little Children

There are many different ways to explain the complexities of the human psyche. None will ever do it full justice. Some are outright incomprehensible to the average Joe Bloggs and only reserved for the few trained experts; these are useful to the clinician or researcher, but seldom to a person ...

Mar 29

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Life Purpose / Meaning / ...


Blog Writer:

Dr Oberdan Marianetti

Dr OM opened in Singapore 2015 to serve the local community on all their relationship and sexuality challenges. Intrigued by the secrets of the mind, Dr Oberdan first qualified as a psychologist over 15 years ago and worked both in corporate and private settings to support individuals, couples and groups to rediscover their innate power for productivity, creativity and service. Today, the clinic has evolved to offer a broader range of services, eventually establishing itself as a respected, reputable, and trusted place for healing. It has grown to serve a diverse clientele from over 50 countries, who present life challenges ranging from stress, anxiety and depression, to the specialised sexual and relational ones experienced in silence by many. We welcome clients from any walk of life, and look forward to continue growing as a valuable service provider to our local and international communities.

Dr Oberdan Marianetti belongs to Dr OM & Associates in Singapore