World Mental Health Day Tip: Change vs Outcomes

Published on October 11, 2023

    white and red moon over lighted high-rise buildings during night time

World Mental Health day tip:

Change vs Outcomes

Dear ,


On World Mental Health Day, let's unite in recognising mental well-being as a fundamental universal human right, a declaration by the WHO that holds profound significance.

With nearly two decades of dedicated experience in this field, I've had the privilege of witnessing incredible transformations within workplaces and in private. One invaluable tip that I'd like to share with you today, as we are all on a journey of self-improvement, is the importance of distinguishing between 'change' and 'outcomes.'

As we commit to self-improvement, it's crucial to realise that substantial changes are already in motion, they always are! However, the fruition of these changes into tangible outcomes may require more time. 


You are at a familiar fork. Today you decide to pause. You would typically go in one direction, but today you go the other. I like to think of ‘change’ as the moment when we make that decision, and embark on a new journey, trusting that if we stick to the path, the desired outcomes will materialise.

Often we make a change and become frustrated when the outcomes take time to emerge. 

So, here is a key to feeling happier as you progress on your self-improvement journey: Recognise and celebrate the changes you've set in motion. Understand that these changes are the seeds of your future outcomes, and their growth is a process that unfolds gradually. 


Wishing you well,



Category(s):Relationships & Marriage

Written by:

Dr Oberdan Marianetti

Dr OM opened in Singapore 2015 to serve the local community on all their relationship and sexuality challenges.

Intrigued by the secrets of the mind, Dr Oberdan first qualified as a psychologist over 15 years ago and worked both in corporate and private settings to support individuals, couples and groups to rediscover their innate power for productivity, creativity and service.

Today, the clinic has evolved to offer a broader range of services, eventually establishing itself as a respected, reputable, and trusted place for healing. It has grown to serve a diverse clientele from over 50 countries, who present life challenges ranging from stress, anxiety and depression, to the specialised sexual and relational ones experienced in silence by many.

We welcome clients from any walk of life, and look forward to continue growing as a valuable service provider to our local and international communities.

Dr Oberdan Marianetti belongs to Dr OM & Associates in Singapore