The Rise of Online Counseling

We commonly depict counseling as a person lying down on a couch conveying his life experiences to someone scribbling on a notepad. However, with the growing numbers of people switching to electronic means, more and more counselors are offering ...

Feb 2


Self-Esteem: The Incredibly Young Age At Which It's Set

New studies are revealing that a sense of self-esteem can develop in a child as young as five-years-old.

Feb 1


Are You Morally Superior?

Research suggest that yes, you are morally superior! The catch? It's only in your mind. Known as the self-enhancement effect, people tend to rate themselves highly compared to others.

Feb 1


Is Trump Driving Recruits to ISIS?

Headlines for the past few days have been dominated by the recent immigration changes set forth by President Trump. In response, there have been nation-wide protests and retaliation. President Trump defends his act saying that it was done to prevent ...

Feb 1


The Delusion of 'Alternative Facts'

"Alternative facts" was the two words used to address a falsehood given by America's press secretary, Sean Spicer when discussing the crowd size at Donald Trump's inauguration. Neuroscientists Susana Martinez-Conde and Stephen L. Macknik, who ...

Jan 31


How Diversity Makes Us Smarter

Being around people from different cultures and traditions exposes us to different behaviors and ways of thinking. In return, as a group we can become a lot more innovative and better at critical thinking!

Jan 31


Kids Should Pay More Attention to Mistakes

A study at Michigan State University shows that kids who believe intelligence can grow are more effective at reflecting off of their mistakes and making corrective changes compared to kids who think that intelligence is fixed.

Jan 31


You Should Talk To Strangers

"When you talk to strangers, you're making beautiful interruptions into the expected narrative of your daily life — and ...

Jan 27


Clear the Brain of Waste with the Best Sleeping Position

A new study finds by sleeping on your side best clears metabolic waste products that built up while we are awake.

Jan 26


Magic of Rituals – Nerves Calming and Boost Performance

Anxiety can be quickly generated with events such as a tough interview or critical match surfacing in daily lives. These might lead to one sabotaging hopes and fulfilling own fears. There are many ways that are used to drive such fears away, from ...

Jan 26

Categories: Anxiety


Do Uncertain Times Lead to Dogma and Prejudice?

America's presidential election has been the talk for months--and it hasn't stopped even after the inauguration of Donald Trump. With a loud opposition and protests around the country, it leaves us with a question. Do times of uncertainty lead to a ...

Jan 25


Power Of A Meaningful Life

The pursuit of happiness is something that everyone goes through, consciously or not. Yet journalist Emily Smith warns her readers that getting too caught up in achieving one's goals to be happy can ironically produce a very unhappy lifestyle.

Jan 25


Psychologists Still Can't Predict Suicidal Behaviors Better Than By A ...

Even after half a century of research predicting one's suicidal behaviors is not better than if a coin was flipped to determine so. Joseph Franklin and his research team at the Technology and Psychopathy Lab provide an answer as to why.

Jan 25


Which Personality Traits Are Most Predictive of Well-Being?

Our quality of life depends on a blend of environmental and genetic factors. Well-being, while also dependent on how rich your surroundings are, is also associated with certain personality factors you might have!

Jan 24


How to Read Someone's Emotions with 90% Accuracy

Research looking at brain scans have shown that negative emotions have some "signature" that allows us to determine one's feelings without any prior assessment.

Jan 24

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