This is how I Started Asserting Myself

Years ago, I was attending a free-form movement class regularly and got to know a person whom I knew was a popular NLP coach in Singapore. Whenever we spoke, he would make it a point to reach out and touch me somewhere along my shoulder to arm without warning and definitely without asking.

Mar 3

Categories: Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Why Might Someone Seek Relationship Counselling?

With relationships, we feel we're complete, which shapes our happiness, well-being, and overall satisfaction. However, maintaining healthy relationships can be challenging, and at times, couples may find themselves facing issues that seem unresolvable. In that case, we use relationship counselling as a solution.  

Mar 1

Categories: Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Saumya Das


Bridging Hearts: Exploring the Pathways of Relationship Counseling

Every human life Relationship is like sailing on the open sea, sometimes it is calm and piece while some days it like full of stormy. The journey of love, mutual conflicts, and challenges is unavoidable, but just as a trained sailor navigates stormy waters, couples can take direction or advice from relationship counseling to navigate through ...

Feb 15

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Unlock the Secrets of Love: The 5 Love Languages

I’ve been working with individuals and couples around relationship and sexuality concerns and challenges for coming to 15 years now, and believe it or not, and I don’t know why I haven’t written a blog specifically about the Five Love Languages. Perhaps because it is so well-known that it seems to need little introduction, or ...

Feb 10

Categories: Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Having Anger Related Issues? Here’s How to Figure Out

Do you shout often for no reason? Does your temper go uncontrollable when struck in the traffic? We got you. Don't worry; having such anger related issues is quite common these days as everybody is giving shoulders to stress, hectic schedules, busy days, and whatnot.Controlling anger before it ...

Feb 1

Categories: Anger Management, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health in Asia


Bicycle Scar - TRAUMA and HEALING

 As we embark on a new year, it's an opportune moment for self-reflection.

Jan 11

Categories: Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


Differences Between Panic Attacks and anxiety Attacks

In the realm of mental health, terms like "panic attacks" and "anxiety attacks" are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion about their distinct characteristics. While both involve intense feelings of fear and distress, they represent distinct phenomena with unique ...

Dec 7

Categories: Anxiety, Panic issues


Signs You’re with A Sensitive Woman – Relationship Tip

Emotional sensitivity is a trait that could greatly enhance the depth and richness of relationships. Sensitive women tend to be compassionate, empathetic, and attuned to the emotions of those around them. If you’re in a relationship with a sensitive woman, you’re likely experiencing a ...

Dec 5

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Pre-Marital Counseling, ...

Written By:
Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo


Clear Signs There Is Serious Chemistry Between You and Your Partner

Not every relationship is destined to be a perfect match. People are unique, with diverse needs and personalities. While some couples effortlessly complement each other, others may face challenges. However, one of the most beautiful and exhilarating aspects of a romantic relationship is the ...

Dec 5

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Pre-Marital Counseling, ...

Written By:
Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo


Are You Reacting or Responding to Life?

You may have heard or uttered the words reaction and response interchangeably, however, these two words represent two very different approaches of engaging with life events and with life itself.If you are interested in the origins of words, you will quickly find that reaction is an action exerted ...

Dec 5

Categories: Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti



Are you in a marriage in which you no longer feel attracted to your spouse? Do you feel confused and worried about this? Do you have children with this person and don't want to end the marriage, but no longer feel like having sex and this makes you feel sad and distressed? Does your partner ...

Dec 4

Categories: Codependency / Dependency, Communication Disorders Problems, Complex ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


UTI is not the same as STI

Dec 4

Categories: Sexual Problems / Sex Therapy

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Title: Fostering Community Connections: Addressing the Unique Needs ...


Dec 2

Categories: Academic Issues, Career Development and Change

Written By:
Aung Min Thein


How to Make Someone Feel Better? Amazing Ways to Make Someone Smile

Life is not always about a singular pursuit or outcome, it’s the culmination of various experiences, emotions, and journeys that make it truly meaningful. In the hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced world, where stress and challenges seem to be the order of the day, a simple smile ...

Nov 20

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Positive Psychology, ...

Written By:
Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo