Having Anger Related Issues? Here’s How to Figure Out

Published on February 1, 2024

Do you shout often for no reason? Does your temper go uncontrollable when struck in the traffic? We got you. Don't worry; having such anger related issues is quite common these days as everybody is giving shoulders to stress, hectic schedules, busy days, and whatnot.

Controlling anger before it controls you is quite essential to live a healthy, peaceful, and positive life. The current era is all about rush, competition, and people with subconscious minds processing multiple thoughts, emotions, and frustration. And so, having anger related issues is getting common and growing as well among almost all the population. Well, anger is a natural and inherent response, but it becomes a problem when it starts troubling your mental health and making you regret it.

Are you suffering from such anger problems and finding solutions? If yes, consider this post as your help and get the solutions.

What Triggers Anger?

This question has multiple answers. As mentioned above, anger is a natural response to situations, and multiple reasons can be listed for getting angry. Below, we have penned down the commonest factors that may trigger anger:

  • 9-5 hectic job schedule and frustration
  • Family issues
  • Financial crisis
  • Stressful relationships or situations
  • Poor social life or loneliness
  • Being disrespected or isolated
  • Dissatisfaction with career or life goals and the list never ends.

It all depends on how you interpret and react to specific happenings. As human behavior varies, reacting to situations also changes. Some have short temper issues, while many handle any particular situation calmly and composedly.

But, this normal human reaction, anger, can sometimes turn into destructive and regretful factors if it gets out of control. Anger related issues are one of the main reasons for living a negative and stressful life.

How Can Anger Related Issues Impact One's Life?

Anger is a powerful emotion that sometimes brings positive changes in one's life. But, once this emotion starts controlling a person, it can be destructive and adverse to one's life. Uncontrolled anger and related issues are enough to lead to physical fights, mental issues, anxiety, abuse, self-harm, assault, arguments, and a negative fame from other's point-of-view.

Let's briefly discuss how anger related issues can disturb your physical and mental health:

Physical Health Problems

Anger leads to stress hormones in one's body. Uncontrolled and frequent anger can lead to:

  • Headaches, Blood pressure problems, and respiratory issues
  • Heart attacks, insomnia, and anorexia or eating disorder
  • Skin problems, stroke, and digestion issues

Mental Health Issues

Undoubtedly, anger issues majorly impact one's mental well-being; here's how:

  • Depression and anxiety problems
  • Intermittent Explosive Disorder issue, Bipolar disorder problems, and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder. 

7 Must-Follow Anger Management Tips for a Peaceful Life

Start following the anger management tips below and start living a peaceful life with positive changes.

Think Before Your Speech

Thinking before speaking is one of the most effective approaches to controlling your anger. Anger is often triggered in the heat of the moment. Speaking or stating without thinking and realizing how it will affect others encourages anger. That's why it's recommended to first hold for a few seconds, think, realize, and then speak.

Express Anger Constructively 

Once you've held on for a moment to calm down, think, and realize, try to express your emotions or feelings in a constructive way. Make sure you are conveying your speech, stating concerns or frustrations to the point only and without hurting other people involved in the discussion or argument.

Let it go..! Do not hold Grudges

Holding grudges and sticking to the same conflicts from the past are also two of the major causes of anger issues. But, it's suggested to let go and forgive. It helps people drastically decrease anger feelings and get solutions to their problems. No option is better than forgiving others and letting go of grudges to resolve conflicts.

Make the Maximum use of "I"

Using "I" instead of "you" in your statements during any argument or debate is quite useful in temper control. Anger rises the most when we start blaming or finger-pointing others. If you stick to the "I" statements, half of the conflict gets resolved, and there are minimum chances of intense arguments.

Perform Exercises or Meditation

Performing exercise or meditating daily is another anger management tip that helps people reduce tension, feel light and positive, release stress, and address frustrations. It brings positive changes to your daily lifestyle that eventually make you calm and composed.

Sense of Humor is a Key

Laughter stimulates blood vessels, improves your heart rate, and lowers stress hormones. Try to bring a bit of a sense of humor, lighten up conflicting situations, and avoid hurtful arguments. A sense of humor always works for frustrated employees when it comes to bringing some positive vibes to the stressful and negative working environment.

Try to Remind "Take it Easy"

Reminding yourself of the phrase "take it easy" with deep breaths can also help you in temper control. During any argument, tension, or conflicting situation, start repeating "take it easy" and force yourself not to lose your temper. At such times, you have options to stay quiet, calm yourself, or resolve the problem constructively.

Concluding Lines..!

Here's the end of this post. We suggest you do not ever blame yourself for having anger related issues or short-temper habits. It's better to follow the tips above and help yourself to treat such anger problems. Mental health professional help can make a significant difference in managing anger. A mental health expert can guide you in understanding the root causes of your anger and identify any underlying mental health issues.

Category(s):Anger Management, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health in Asia