The Self-Care Guide to taking better care of your own Mental Wellbeing

Many of us take care of the needs of others more frequently and much better than we take care of our own needs.  Although there are several possible reasons why we neglect our own self-care, one of the most important is that self-care simply get swamped out by the needs of our family or ...

Dec 24

Categories: Mindfulness, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Stress Management

Written By:
Brian Scott


Reflections On Being Perfect

It’s so easy to look in the mirror and think, rightly or wrongly, that we are a failure.We are constantly judging ourselves by the standards that others have placed upon us. Wealth, body image, house location, children’s school, holiday destinations or clothing are only a few of the ...

Dec 6

Categories: Happiness, Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance, Mindfulness

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


A.A.A. - Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy

 Just recently I was having a conversation about masculine and feminine energies with someone new to the topic. The conversation was fascinating and it highlighted how confusing this topic can be.It also reminded me of some of the cases I came across, where the masculine and the feminine were ...

May 27

Categories: Codependency / Dependency, Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, ...

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


Urban Pilgrimage : 3 Reasons to Get Out of the City and Reconnect ...

For years now I have been taking myself on a little urban pilgrimages within the green pockets that line the city. As always, while I am out  there I am in so much awe of how just a small dose of conscious engagement with the natural world can be so uplifting for the mind and body. Sometimes - ...

Nov 4

Categories: Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance, Mindfulness, Self-Care / ...

Written By:
Anoushka Beh


3 Things to Transform Crisis into Opportunity

Sometimes things have to fall apart. We are trained , for the most part however, to look at crisis as a negative thing – a time that is filled with pain, loss and much suffering. Yet I wonder if this sort of thinking is serving us. What would happen if we were to look at the ...

Aug 31

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Happiness, Mindfulness

Written By:
Anoushka Beh


The Journey Home

We are all ultimately trying to come home to ourselves. The path however to getting there may not be always be easily traversed or well-lit. We will encounter many obstacles along the way ; challenges in our external experience and , inevitably, the darker deeper confrontations that happen on an ...

Jul 6

Categories: Mindfulness, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Confidence

Written By:
Anoushka Beh


Staying With Intensity - What Hot Yoga and Therapy Have In Common

It’s Friday morning and I’m probably 30 minutes into my 1 hour Hot Hour Bikram Yoga class, which in the 15 years that I’ve been practicing on a weekly basis could be the 3648 time I’ve done this – and yet as I feel the heat emanating off my mat, feeling into my warrior ...

Dec 10

Categories: Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, Stress Management

Written By:
Anoushka Beh
