Arranged Sex in an Arranged Marriage Part 3

Arranged marriages are still very common in a large part of the world and make a significant portion of my therapy practice. I have the privilege to help these couples improve the quality of their relationships.  I’ve written two other articles on sex in arranged marriages. Please visit ...

Jan 5

Categories: Family Problems, Infidelity, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, ...


Arranged Sex in an Arranged Marriage Part 2

Working with a wide range of clients from different cultures and religions is a great privilege and honor that I get to experience in my profession. In a previous article on arranged marriage, I discussed one of the common early stages of how being in an arranged marriage can complicate the sex and ...

Jan 5

Categories: Family Problems, Infidelity, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, ...


Arranged Sex in an Arranged Marriage Part 1

I have the privilege and honor to work with a wide range of clients from different cultures and religions. This is a great honor to be let into the lives of these individuals couples and help them to grow and improve the quality of their lives and relationships. One of the specific type of ...

Jan 5

Categories: Family Problems, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, Sexual Problems / ...


Oops I didn’t orgasm, I’m sorry

Surprising that someone would apologize for not orgasming during sex. Yet , this is surprisingly a common apology I’ve heard given by a person to their partner in a long-term relationship after they have sex.  Unfortunately, usually for complex reasons, one person feels a sense of ...

Jun 13

Categories: Couple Counseling, Family Problems, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, ...


Are you playing the BLAME-GAME to fix your unsatisfying sex life?

Everyone wants an amazing sex life. Many couples start out their relationship with a satisfying sex life. However, if the couple continues to stay together and increase the complexity of their relationship via careers, financial obligations, children, aging parents and their own personal health ...

Aug 23

Categories: Couple Counseling, Family Problems, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, ...


Creating a Joint Parenting Plan you both love

Parents are always focused on what is good for their kids. However, what most parents don’t realize is, that what kids needs above all else are two parents that get along, support each other and work as team, especially when it comes to parenting. So many couples grossly underestimate how ...

Nov 21

Categories: Blended Family Issues, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Couple ...


Should you force your Spouse into Marriage Counselling?

Are you struggle with a marriage that isn't working the way you want it too but your partner isn't as interested or motivated as you are to fix it? Do you really need to have your spouse or romantic partner attend counselling in order to make it better? The short answer is no, you do ...

Nov 12

Categories: Couple Counseling, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Domestic Violence, ...


Infidelity, Cheating, What?

 No one gets a user manual on what to once an infidelity, as defined by one or both parties is discovered. Here are some things people need to consider before making any decision. What is infidelity? This may reveal value differences in a couple and highlight how little time a couple spent ...

Oct 13

Categories: Couple Counseling, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Emptiness, Ending a ...


ADHD Over diagnosis: Chemical imbalance its a hypothesis not a fact

 The author sees that there are many factors contributing to the over diagnosis of ADHD. In the United States, there are social, medical and parenting forces at play that contribute to more than 4.4 million children between the ages of 4 to 17 years old having an ADHD diagnosis and a dramatic ...

Oct 3

Categories: Academic Issues, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), ...


No Fear in Correcting Your Child's Sleep! Learn how to do it Right!

Don't let the fear of crying or bad stories put you off of sleep training one day longer. In my years of working with families often the "horror" stories of sleep come from the fact that there is a lot of inappropriate application of various sleep methods combined ...

Sep 19

Categories: Caregiver Issues / Stress, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child ...


Get your Relationship Ready to bring your baby home

Bringing a baby into a couple’s life is one of the biggest changes a couple will have to work out together.  Unfortunately couples grossly underestimate how much this tiny bundle of joy will change their individual lives and their relationships and as a result do not prepare for it. ...

Sep 11

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Anxiety, Attachment Issues, ...


Speaking the Language of Love to our Children

Communicating with our child can be a big challenge. As parents you are trying to get our children to do what we think they need to do in order to become competent and capable adults. Often our children have ideas of their own. One reason this is really challenging is that it takes 25 years to ...

Sep 7

Categories: Attachment Issues, Blended Family Issues, Child and/or Adolescent ...


Counselling for Infidelity and Cheating in a Marriage

Counselling for Cheating or Infidelity in a Marriage Relationships can and do recover from marrital cheating and they can go on to survive and thrive. However the journey to a great marriage after learning about infidelity is a challenging path. There are several stages that married couples must ...

Aug 25

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Adult psychological ...


Doubts about getting married? Research says do not ignore them

The Science of Marriage In the first science study done by UCLA on marriage and divorce it found—when women have doubts before their wedding, their misgivings are often a warning sign of trouble if they go ahead with the marriage. The psychologists studied 464 newlywed spouses (232 couples) ...

Aug 25

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, ...


A new way to look at Depression and hope to get better

From the theoretical orientation of Dr. William Glasser, founder of Choice Theory Reality Therapy (CTRT), depression is seen as a chosen behaviour not an emotion that you are victim to. So CTRT therapist would say you are DEPRESSING or even anxieting or angering instead of being depressed, anxious or angry. All behaviour is purposeful in ...

Aug 25

Categories: Bereavement, Bipolar, Coping with Medical Problems, Couple ...


Blog Writer:

Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA

Ms. Fontana is a relationship counsellor specializing in helping people with their relationships whether it is dating, marriage, parenting or with their extended family. Her clients call her approach practical and found solutions to their problems. Ms. Fontana has obtained her Master Degree in Mental Health counselling from the United States and is a USA Nationally Certified Counsellor. She is also a Certified Choice Theory Reality Therapist and is USA trained Sex Therapist.

Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA belongs to All in the Family Counselling Centre, PTE LTD in Singapore