Is Leverage in your relationship undermining it?

Tammy Fontana, from All in the Family Counselling Centre Pte Ltd discusses how various forms of real or imagined leverage can undermine a relationship. Forms of leverage include emotional guilty, love withdrawal, silent treatment, financial dependency, social dependency, psychological dependency. She discusses this in her talk. Ms Fontana Helps ...

Sep 13

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Codependency / Dependency, Cognitive ...


Anger: You don't have buttons

Many people struggle with what they call an “anger management problem.” What people really mean is that they do not know how to choose differently, in a moment. They are struggling with solving what they ideally want or think should be with what is not happening in reality, and they ...

Feb 16

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Anger Management, Marital Counseling, ...


Demystifying the process of change in Counselling- How you get better

Counselling seems to be a pretty mysterious process for most people.  Unless things are REALLY bad, most people don’t think about counselling or think it’s too expensive or are just not sure how it works. Usually counselling is a last resort rather than a first stop for getting ...

Aug 25

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Addictions, Adjusting to Change / Life ...


Blog Writer:

Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA

Ms. Fontana is a relationship counsellor specializing in helping people with their relationships whether it is dating, marriage, parenting or with their extended family. Her clients call her approach practical and found solutions to their problems. Ms. Fontana has obtained her Master Degree in Mental Health counselling from the United States and is a USA Nationally Certified Counsellor. She is also a Certified Choice Theory Reality Therapist and is USA trained Sex Therapist.

Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA belongs to All in the Family Counselling Centre, PTE LTD in Singapore