The Link Between Migraine And Depression

Posted on January 20, 2016

Patients with migraine have a higher frequency of depression and anxiety. This is common among patients dealing with this pain. This link is way deeper than the psychological reaction to the pain and its unpredictability.

In a population-based study that followed patients for two years, the risk of major depression was six times higher in patients with migraine but this risk was not significantly increased for other severe headaches. Furthermore, the risk of having a migraine was up to three times higher in patients with a major depression, while the risk of having other non-migraine severe headache was not increased.

A recent study evaluated the relationship between allodynia and depression in migraine. Allodynia is the sensation of pain when faced with stimuli that are usually non-painful (e.g., pain from the touch of the hairbrush when combing your hair). It was found that migraineurs with allodynia had a significantly higher level of depressive symptoms when compared with those without allodynia. Moreover, the severity of the depressive symptoms seems to be positively associated with the intensity/ severity of allodynia.

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Source material from BrainBlogger