Couples planning to get married, newlyweds or honeymoon couples can benefit from relationship skills that will ensure a successful marriage. A strong marriage requires good relationship and communications skills. It also requires couples to have skills to manage inevitable conflict issues smoothly so that it is a win- win for everyone.
When couples are in love and feeling better than they ever had it is very easy to overlook issues that show signs of being problematic. While planning to get married no one wants to think about future problems or difficulties. However, a mature realization is to realize that love can go carry a couple so far and that the ability to have a successful marriage is dependent on a couples ability to manage their differences successfully.
Research shows that the global divorce rate by year 7 is 50%. For second marriages the divorce rate is 70%. It’s clear that people can benefit from learning more effective relationship skills to ensure a happy, long and successfully marriage.
Our pre-marriage and post marriage counselling will teach you how both people can get their needs met in a relationship. Unlike most classes that just show you were you are incompatible, our pre-marriage counselling teaches you effective skills to manage expectations, conflict and communication.
Our counselling is customized to your unique relationship.
Typical things covered are:
• Communication Issues
• Expectations
• Conflict Manage
• Problem Solving skills enhancement
• Understanding impact of perception of your partner
The focus of premarriage counselling is to help couples clarify and define a common relationship platform from which to make relationship goals and decisions. The sessions are focused on teaching clients skills that will help them avoid common negative relationship traps and build a strong relationship. Our Marriage Counsellor is a Certified Choice Theory Reality Therapy Therapist and has done marriage counselling training with Drs. Gottman, from the Gottman’s Institute, renown marriage counselors and leading relationship researchers.
Call us at 90307239 for more information or our brochure.