What are Learning Disabilities and how you can help spot and ...

Learning disabilities and learning disorders are umbrella words for a wide range of learning issues. A learning disability does not impair IQ or motivation, and children with learning problems are not lazy or less intelligent. Most are just as smart as everyone else. A learning disability is a ...

May 9

Categories: Child Development, Learning Difficulties

Written By:
Brian Scott


Is your Child simply 'Lazy' or is there a way to help your child ...

Education and learning have been one of the main drivers of our civilization and it has gone under dramatic changes in the last few centuries. Trends emerge and splinter off as they evolve and adapt to the times. The 21st century marked a key turning point with the dawn of the information age. ...

Aug 29

Categories: Academic Issues, Child Development, Dyslexia, Learning Difficulties

Written By:
Irena Constantin



In a recent meeting of SEN professionals I was asked to host one of the six round table discussions.  The topic I chose was ADHD in the classroom and how to manage it. I was astounded to see that three quarters of the group joined me to discuss that particular topic, demonstrating that it is ...

Nov 3

Categories: Adult ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Child ...


A Teaspoon of Novelty can Change Your Life

”When people are inspired , they have more brain real-estate” –  Says Julia Volkman of BrainBasics in this excellent article on ...

Jun 24

Categories: Happiness, Learning Difficulties, Positive Psychology

Written By:
Anoushka Beh


5 Tips for Parents with Exam Anxious Children

5 Tips for Parents with Exam Anxious Children: Exam's around the corner. I received some enquiries about exam related therapy sessions for children with high anxiety level. When the pressure mounts, grades suffer as well. Here are some tips for parent to work with your child.1. Reflect: Check your words and actions

Sep 22

Categories: Academic Issues, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Learning Difficulties


An Introduction To Art Therapy: A Brief Guide to Art Therapy as an ...

An Introduction to Art Therapy: A Brief Guide to Art Therapy by Andrew Wright, Art Psychotherapist, based in Dubai, UAE.) Art Therapy is a well-developed profession in the US and the UK and is an approach that is used to help people of all ages.Art Therapy is the use of the creative arts ...

Feb 20

Categories: Abortion, Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Addictions, Adjusting to ...

Written By:
Andrew C Wright HCPC registered (UK)


State of support for Children with Disabilities in Singapore

When I first moved to Singapore, I was initially struck by just how differently the attitude towards children with disabilities were from what I had known it to be in the west. A number of studies have shown the extreme gap in resources for people suffering with mental health disorders throughout ...

Nov 27

Categories: Caregiver Issues / Stress, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, ...

Written By:
Jennifer Sunderland
