The Rise of Online Therapy: A New Era of Mental Health Support

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the way mental health support is delivered, with the rise of online therapy revolutionizing the field. Online therapy, also known as teletherapy or telehealth counseling, offers individuals convenient and accessible access to mental health ...

Apr 22

Categories: Couple Counseling, Health Psychology, Mental Health in Asia, Mental ...


Marriage counseling; All you need to know

Marriage counseling, also known as couples treatment, makes a difference in helping couples distinguish and resolve issues and make strides in their connections, whether they are hitched or not. Marriage counseling gives couples the tools to communicate superiorly, arrange contrasts, fathom issues, ...

Apr 18

Categories: Couple Counseling, Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, ...

Written By:
Saumya Das


Urgent call for mental health support in Myanmar!

Dear Colleagues,In our ongoing journey in the field of counselling, it's imperative to recognise and respond to the evolving challenges faced by our communities. Myanmar, in particular, has been grappling with a multifaceted crisis exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermath of a military coup. This crisis has had far-reaching ...

Apr 14

Categories: Career Development and Change, Mental Health in Asia

Written By:
Aung Min Thein


On Why I no longer run Single-Gender Events…

For years now, if I can help it, I no longer run single gender events i.e. women or male, but instead  make sure to state my events welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Apr 9

Categories: Self help groups

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Embracing Emotions: Dive into Sad Quotes with BetterLYF

 Life is a rollercoaster of emotions, and it's okay to feel sad sometimes. At BetterLYF, we understand the importance of acknowledging and processing our feelings. That's why we've curated a collection of sad quotes ...

Apr 8

Categories: Depression, Grief, Loss, Bereavement, Self-Love

Written By:
Saumya Das


How Somebody does Something… is how they do Everything

Apr 4

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


How Does Proper Nutrition in Mental Health Play a Vital Role?

Your brain works 24*7! Even while you sleep, your brain keeps on working. It controls and takes care of your feelings, physical movements, thoughts, senses, heart, and entire body. So, just think about how important it is to take good care of your brain and provide a constant supply of fuel. Here, the fuel is a complete and balanced diet of all ...

Apr 3

Categories: Eating Disorders


Emotional Maturity Emerges From Opposite Truths

Have you ever worked with someone whom you deeply dislike and still figured out a way to collaborate with them for the sake of the deal/project/business?

Apr 2

Categories: Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


The High-Functioning Paradox: When Success Feels Empty

We’ve seen them – the seemingly flawless individuals who effortlessly climb the corporate ladder, navigate social circles with grace, and curate picture-perfect lives on social media.They’re the high-functioning achievers, the ones we often hold up as paragons of success. But what if, beneath the polished exterior, lies a ...

Mar 21

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Career Development and ...

Written By:
Corrine Lin, Counsellor


Couples Therapy: Restoring Trust and Connection After Infidelity

Infidelity may be one of the most severe blows to any relationship, as it destroys trust and makes people who are involved feel completely helpless. However, even that spark of hope is not lost amid everything, including human suffering as well as strife. Couples therapy is a very effective way to ...

Mar 18

Categories: Couple Counseling, Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Saumya Das


Is Parental Alienation Real?

Parental alienation is a controversial topic. Professionals in the legal and psychological fields have mixed opinions if it exists. Part of the problem is deciphering if the allegations of abuse are factual. Accusing someone of parental alienation is divisive and does not result in cooperation ...

Mar 13

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, Divorce / Divorce ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Supporting Parents Through Pregnancy and Parenting Challenges

 Pregnancy and parenting can be a time of great joy and excitement, but it can also be a time of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. If you are struggling with any of the challenges that come with pregnancy or parenting, therapy can provide support and guidance.

Mar 8

Categories: Parenting, Pregnancy & Birthing

Written By:
Corrine Lin, Counsellor


Understanding the Trauma of the Divorce Process

Divorce can be traumatic ...

Mar 7

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Child and/or Adolescent ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Emotional Blackmail Ruining Your Relationship

Are you in a relationship where the other person is often trying to make you feel guilty? If you do something wrong, does the other person stop talking to you or won't explain why they are upset and say that you should know by now? Does the other person often make veiled or direct threats to leave you if you don't feel good? Are you often ...

Mar 7

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Couple Counseling, Emotional Abuse, ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


From Grief to Acceptance

Further down we will open the umbrella on what the world understands as loss. Let's start with what we recognize as one of the most painful experiences one will ever encounter. Yes, we tell each other that death is part of living, but when it actually knocks on our door it  will most likely finds us unprepared. The shock, the disbelief, ...

Mar 5

Categories: Depression, Grief, Loss, Bereavement

Written By:
Monica Doyle - Trauma and Couples Therapy