The Power of Equanimity

The end of year is a time when many of us pause to take stock of the time passed and to assess how to best move forward with the time remaining.What an important opportunity to ponder on equanimity!Two monks are silently walking back to their monastery after a heavy day of rain. Along the path, ...

Dec 31

Categories: Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


The Feather and the Wound

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning, you decided to take yourself out for a bike ride by that beautiful park by the sea.It’s busy this morning, but you are a skilled and experienced bike rider, and you continue with confidence along the path.You get momentarily distracted and things unfold ...

Dec 7

Categories: Mindfulness, Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


Sexual Desire Discrepancy: When The Woman Wants Sex More Than Her Man

Since the arrival of your baby, the sexual balance seems to be reversed in the bedroom. You are the one who wants more sex, and he does not seem interested. Instead, he appears to be giving all kinds of excuses – from tiredness, stress, not being in the mood, to a full work day ahead.

Dec 5

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love, ...

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Come as you are - the beauty of online mental health

Aria had just hit crash.  She ...

Nov 17

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Anxiety, Complex PTSD, Depression, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel



Are you a woman who finds sex very painful? Have you been diagnosed with vaginismus? Do you have fear about having penetrative sex? Have you been unable to consummate your marriage and now want to have children? Is your vaginismus and your inability to have sex causing big conflict and disconnect ...

Nov 15

Categories: Anxiety, Emptiness, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, Relationships ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


Crying is Nature's Detox

The tears began to well up in Jade’s eyes.  “don’t cry, don’t cry,” she told herself.  She was tired, and her broken heart was incredibly raw.  As a child, she was taught that showing negative emotions was a sign of weakness. As a result, she always felt ...

Nov 12

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Anxiety, Complex PTSD, Emotional ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel



“I’m going to fail; I just know it,” Andrea thought to herself before she started preparing for her exam. Then, her anxiety started to worsen, and she struggled to focus.  Even though Andrea had done well in school, she always felt like she wasn’t good enough ...

Nov 12

Categories: Anxiety, Complex PTSD, Mental Health in Asia, Post Traumatic Stress ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel



Helena often felt like she had a chest infection. Her lungs felt tight, and she gasped for air. Was she suffering from pneumonia? When she visited the medical doctor, all her tests seemed to be normal. The doctor asked her, “What else is going on in your life? Are you stressed, anxious, ...

Nov 12

Categories: Anxiety, Complex PTSD, Depression, Health / Illness / Medical Issues, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Media Violence and Children

Authors put an emphasis on the fact that the threat to public health is posed by the media violence and furthermore the real-world aggression and violence take its place as the consequence of the media violence. This is the core problem, investigated by the authors. In accordance with the research, both film violence and fictional television make ...

Oct 29

Categories: Child Development, Domestic Violence, Health Psychology


My loyalty and commitment were used against me

 Andrew was a marine who was taught that commitment and loyalty were what made a man brave.  These core values ...

Oct 28

Categories: Complex PTSD, Grief, Loss, Bereavement, Positive Psychology, Post ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


It was then that he realized he was unbreakable

Ryan grew up in the foster system.  There were pleasant and not so friendly foster homes.  He was in and out of the juvenile hall for crimes he committed to make ends meet.  Ryan’s basketball coach, Derek, understood Ryan’s situation, and he wanted him to turn ...

Oct 28

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Attachment Issues, Complex ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Emotional Bank Accounts

Think about the time when you first dated your loved one.You most likely remember the time as a joyous, exciting and fulfilling phase of your relationship. You were likely in what is commonly known as the ‘honeymoon phase’.After years together, however, most of us have a rather ...

Oct 26

Categories: Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


Depression Is Not A Medical Illness

Depression is not a medical illness. Yet the belief that it is, remains being promoted by conventional medicine.The use of chemicals, such as brain drugs like “anti-depressants,” contributes to the idea that depression is an illness.“Chemical imbalance” is another label ...

Oct 17

Categories: Depression, Emptiness, Happiness

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


This is your hour…so what would you like to talk about?

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.  I have never done this before ...

Oct 13

Categories: Anxiety, Complex PTSD, Mental Health in Asia, Post Traumatic Stress ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


The “I am not good enough” scam

Zack grew up in a wealthy family. His mother was a lawyer, and his father was a surgeon. His parents were quite busy, so he often came home and worked on his homework by himself. His parents were kind and were able to buy him things, but he felt emotionally lonely ...

Oct 13

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Confidence, Self-Criticism, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel