How Can I Get Away from My Narcissistic Partner?

Before you consider leaving a narcissist, you must be one hundred percent certain that you are done. The reason is that when you try to go, they will beg ...

Sep 29

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Ending a ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Diplomacy – heart of a lost art.

In a society where meeting genuine people is getting rarer by the day, the question emerges – Where is the line between diplomacy and hypocrisy? We do want people who are polite, well mannered, gentle, kind, assertive, loyal, focussed and honest. A list of wishful qualities? Not really. There are so many virtuous people around us, and then, ...

Apr 25

Categories: Empathy, Ending a relationship issues, Personality problems, ...

Written By:
Mini Nair


Dealing with Self-Centeredness

 I met Donna, a woman in her 70s. She was Mom to one of my clients, Tess, who suffered from severe depression and alcoholism.

Aug 21

Categories: Emotional Abuse, Family Problems, Personality problems

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Love Aginst Hate

Hi, Dr. Park, I have been married for almost five years now and have decided that it's time to get much-needed marriage counseling. My wife has refused for far too long. I have tried to explain to her that it's not a bad thing and that it's not a method to put blame on anyone for anything. Frankly, she's extremely scared to face ...

Mar 18

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Family Problems, Happiness, Marital ...

Written By:
Dr.Park, Jinseng


Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder and it's Treatments

Personality Disorders are conditions where an individual experiences significant difficulty in the way they think, perceive, feel or relate to others. Such conditions typically worsen with stress or depression. One common type is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The main features of BPD ...

Feb 23

Categories: Borderline Personality Disorder, Personality problems

Written By:
Dr. Annabelle Chow


Self and Entitlement Mindset

Do you have an entitled self? What I mean is, one suffering from a ...

Feb 8

Categories: Abortion, Addictions, Personality problems, Self-Esteem

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Impact of Terrorism on psychological well begin and Mental Health in ...

Objective: To find out the impact of terrorism on mental health and behavioral patterns like Jealusy,Agression and hate of men and women in Pakistan and Indian people due to terroism.Place and Duration of Study: It was conducted in Karachi and Mumbai (Pakistan and India) over a period of five ...

Nov 14

Categories: Anxiety, Dissociation, Health Psychology, Mental Health in Asia, ...

Written By:
Dr. Hayat Ali Yousefzai


How To Love Yourself

"We cannot give what we do not have."  That's what author Walter Trobish asserts in his book "Love Yourself." It also echoes Jesus' words in Scripture about receiving and giving. We can only possess and give to others what is real inside of us.In psychological ...

Oct 13

Categories: Personality problems, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Are You A Victim Of A Jerk?

It took a while. But Helen was finally able to let go of her sexually addicted, unfaithful, and abusive boyfriend. To help Helen with her growing depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, I got her in touch with reality and to see what really is. She finally realized that she was victimized by a ...

Jun 12

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Emotional Abuse, Personality problems

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Therapy, Personality, Life

Yesterday, I had a whole-day fun-filled, interactive university lecture/seminar on psychotherapy and personality before 200+ psychology students over at RTU in Manila. Celine, Jovic, and their team did excellent organizing, which brought memories of my years in undergraduate psychology (not too ...

Oct 10

Categories: Happiness, Personality problems, Workplace Issues

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Demystifying the process of change in Counselling- How you get better

Counselling seems to be a pretty mysterious process for most people.  Unless things are REALLY bad, most people don’t think about counselling or think it’s too expensive or are just not sure how it works. Usually counselling is a last resort rather than a first stop for getting ...

Aug 25

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Addictions, Adjusting to Change / Life ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


How our Childhood Experiences affect our Adult Relationships

Our childhood teaches us how to relate to others. Adult romantic relationships rely on using the patterns of relating we learn in infancy. Counsellors are trained to help us to deal with complex psychological issues which are damaging to our close relationships. Therapeutic approaches like relationship counselling, draw on psychological ...

Jul 24

Categories: Communication Disorders Problems, Couple Counseling, Emotional ...

Written By:
Joanna Fishman


The story of the two wolves: Managing your thoughts, feelings and ...

Have you ever had thoughts, feelings or acted in ways that were unacceptable to yourself but felt powerless to control? The purpose of this post is to help you find ways to manage your mind so that you can live your life more in accordance with what your own judgment says is best for you. As we ...

Feb 21

Categories: Control Issues, Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance, Personality ...

Written By:
Brian Scott


On narcissism: its history, definition and cause

Last weekend while breaking my fast in a fine hotel restaurant, a young Caucasian couple made a very noticeable entrance and sat at a nearby table. Both were at least 6 feet tall (tall by Asian standards), and attractive looking. She wore short shorts and a clinging tank-top, revealing her well ...

Sep 9

Categories: Personality problems, Self-Love, Sensitivity to Criticism

Written By:
Brian Scott
