A Balanced Workplace for All

Can you relate to the picture above? Many can.In my 2015 TEDx talk on ‘the global epidemic of workplace unhappiness’ I reported that 87% of the global workforce, according to Gallup, was either “checked out” from their workplace or “acting out their ...

Feb 23

Categories: Happiness, Workplace Issues

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


Your therapist is there to help not to judge

April was struggling with depression ...

Jan 8

Categories: Abortion, Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Anxiety, Complex PTSD, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Mental Health Tune-Up

When stressed, the drive for success or chaos ensues, we might forget about our mental health.  We might be so busy striving or surviving that we aren’t in check with how we are feeling emotionally, physically or psychologically.  So how can you tell if you are out of balance?

Jan 8

Categories: Abortion, Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Anxiety, Emotional Abuse, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Fear and control

Brianne couldn’t sleep.  Her mind was replaying ...

Jan 8

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


A Positive Outlook during this difficult period of time

The outbreak of COVID-19 is causing a lot of mental distress to people over the world. We are flooded by more news each day (including fake ones) and it can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of exhaustion on multiple levels. They can include constant stress and anxiety brought about by feelings ...

Apr 7

Categories: Family Problems, Happiness, Workplace Issues

Written By:
Irena Constantin



Wellbeing is the state of being healthy and happy with our self, our relationships and throughout all aspects of our life, including work. Research* shows us that there is a direct impact of our employees’ wellness on their job performance.Employees wellbeing seminars have been proven to ...

Apr 2

Categories: Workplace Issues


Klinik Pelangi Cibubur

Klinik Psikologi Pelangi merupakan mitra orangtua dan sekolah untuk membantu anak bertumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal.Klinik PelangiLayanan Kami :1. Konsultasi psikologiLayanan konsultasi  Anak dan Remaja, Layanan  konsultasi  Pendidikan Anak dan Remaja, Layanan konsultasi  Dewasa, Pasangan  dan Keluarga, Terapi2. ...

Apr 27

Categories: Workplace Issues

Written By:
Klinik Pelangi Cibubur


How to handle change in the workplace?

Change determines our life constantly - sometimes without us being aware of it. As living organisms we fall under the rules of change: we grow, we breath, everything is constantly in motion. Being active is life – stagnancy (over a longer time) represents the end.The 21st century has become ...

Apr 26

Categories: Career Development and Change, Workplace Issues

Written By:
Irena Constantin


TED Talk - Tackling the global epidemic of workplace unhappiness

Ahhh.. the weekend is finally here! But, are you dreading it when Monday comes around? Sadly, you are not alone in this global epidemic of workplace unhappiness. I shared my findings and suggested ways to 'break out of the work cubicle' with a very receptive audience at a TEDx talk. We can all design the life we want.

May 27

Categories: Career Development and Change, Workplace Issues

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


Making the right choices

Life is stressful in modern times. Each one of us are multitasking to fit in the numerous demands of life daily. Often amidst the craziness of daily demands, life seems to spiral out control. We feel stressed, helpless, often wondering how we ended up where we are now.The good news is instead of ...

Jan 8

Categories: Career Development and Change, Happiness, Stress Management, ...

Written By:
Piyali Chakrabarti


The Neuro-chemistry of Positive Conversations

Think about the last time you had a really good conversation with a friend. How did this conversation make you feel? What thoughts did you have while you were having it and what emotions did you leave the conversation feeling?  Now think about the last time you had a negative conversation- ...

Feb 6

Categories: Positive Psychology, Relationships & Marriage, Workplace Issues

Written By:
Anoushka Beh


Why Inspiration Matters

In ” Why Inspiration Matters” ( Psychology Today, 2011) , Scott Kaufman discusses the power of inspiration as a real driving force towards helping us ...

Oct 24

Categories: Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology, Workplace Issues

Written By:
Anoushka Beh


How Counselling Works

How does counselling work? Many people have asked this question and do not know. Some people formed predefined opinions about it without ever having tried it due to the unfortunate stigma attached to it. The stigma comes from a lack of understanding on how professional counselling works. For many ...

Jul 2

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, Multicultural ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


Do I have a drinking problem? Am I an alcoholic? What is the ...

People drink for all sorts of reason. Some reasons are to socialize, celebrate and relax. Other times people use alcohol as a form of self-medication to help them manage stress, anxiety or to use it to distract them from unpleasant or unhappy situations in their life.Alcohol has a strong effect on ...

Apr 2

Categories: Addictions, Couple Counseling, Men's Issues, Women's Issues, ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


Anger: You don't have buttons

Many people struggle with what they call an “anger management problem.” What people really mean is that they do not know how to choose differently, in a moment. They are struggling with solving what they ideally want or think should be with what is not happening in reality, and they ...

Feb 16

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Anger Management, Marital Counseling, ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA
