Brains work in sync during music therapy

Posted on July 31, 2019

Researchers have been able to demonstrate that the brains of a patient and therapist become synchronised during a music therapy session, a breakthrough that could improve future interactions between patients and therapists.

This music therapy study uses a procedure called hyperscanning, which records activity in two brains at the same time – allows researchers to better understand how people interact. Music therapists work towards "moments of change," where they make a meaningful connection with their patient. At one point during this study, the patient's brain activity shifted suddenly from displaying deep negative feelings to a positive peak. Moments later, as the therapist realised the session was working, her scan displayed similar results. In subsequent interviews, both identified that as a moment when they felt the therapy was really working.

Researchers examined activity in the brain’s right and left frontal lobes where negative and positive emotions are processed, respectively. By analyzing hyperscanning data with videos and a transcript of the session – researchers can demonstrate that brain synchronization occurs and show what a patient’s “moment of change” looked like inside the brain.

Hyperscanning shows the tiny, otherwise imperceptible changes that take place during therapy. By highlighting the precise points where sessions have worked best, it could be particularly useful when treating patients for whom verbal communication is challenging. Findings has also helped to better understand emotional processing in other therapeutic interactions.

Source material from Science Daily