New treatment method that identifies emotions

Posted on September 20, 2018

Researchers are getting closer to generating new forms of therapy which activates the brain to tackle weak emotions and anxiety disorders. Since emotions are activated by different parts of our brain, perceiving one’s feelings is not an easy task. There is a lack of understanding about how different parts of the brain work together to generate how we feel, making it difficult to identify the emotion we are feel. Hence, researchers aim to create a new technology that deduces one’s mood by perceiving neural functions in different regions of the brain.

Such a treatment might not necessarily be suitable for all patients. Depression and suicides are not uncommon worldwide, hence alternative treatments are being designed as an alternative for patients who do not respond to this new technology treatment method. New treatment methods involve using human imaging studies like the positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging function (fMRI) to closely study and examine neuro brain activities, are examples of ways to activate the brain to lower the probability of Depression. Although the usual existing treatment methods are already highly effective and precise, new therapy methods generated are also proven to be highly efficient and having more focus on detecting emotions over a period while learning how certain brain triggers lead to specific moods.

One effective way to perceive emotions is to identify the different parts of the brain that causes certain emotions. Researchers hope to generate a technology which can help clinical psychologists derive a clearer idea of how the brain functions when one is depressed, this will help them understand the different neuro brain signals that identify one’s emotions and focus on perceiving one’s emotions to help their patients more effectively. It is useful to know how certain electrical impulses in the brain help manage unhealthy and highly weak and negative moods.

This new form of treatment for depression and anxiety disorders can be further developed to treat other brain-related conditions and disorders like chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addictions.

Category(s):Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Adult psychological development, Health / Illness / Medical Issues

Source material from Science Daily