10 Quick Tips to Change Your Anxiety Forever

Posted on June 19, 2017


You can read all the anti-anxiety advice in the world, but none of it matters unless you actually take action. In order to feel more relaxed, sleep more soundly at night, and put energy into what matters, you have to stop wasting time on tasks that simply don't matter.

Linda Esposito of Psychology Today put together 22 anxiety busters, all you have to do is to commit 15-60 minutes per day to tackle them. And remember: the more you commit, the better you'll feel.

Here are just 10 of them below:

Anxiety Buster #1: Start deep-breathing.
If you're not focused on how to calm your body through slow, intentional breathing...you're missing out. "Belly-breathing" is free, location independent, and easy to implement. When you engage in belly-breathing, you start the day in a "here-and-now state".

Anxiety Buster #2: Meditate instead of medicate.
"Calm is an inside job," Esposito explains. "Give yourself the gift of serenity and start the day with ten minutes of solitude and positive energy. Think calm, measured and open-minded, and your daily activities will correspond."

Anxiety Buster #3: Practice self-care.
Get a massage, a mani-pedi, or a haircut - nothing says polished and well-maintained like a nice, healthy glow! Treat yourself to the pampering you deserve; after all, the only person who will always be there for you at the end of the day, is yourself.

Anxiety Buster #4: Get rid of the clutter.
Do you ever wonder how much time is lost when you frustratingly look for your car keys, or that package of Epson 400 colour ink? A cluttered living space is a cluttered mind, as my father used to say. Try this quick organisation hack:

1. Choose a drawer, cabinet, or closet.
2. Categorise the stuff you don't use.
3. Make three piles for a) Items to throw away, b) Items to donate, and c) Items to sell.

Anxiety Buster #5: Go to bed early.
This may sound impossible for you night owls, but this one's a MUST. According to research, sleep deprivation is a huge anxiety culprit. Inadequate shuteye can amplify the brain's anticipatory reactions - your "fight or flight" responses - and thus upping overall anxiety levels.

The bottom line: "Don't burn the midnight oil in hopes of catching up on the weekends. Unused sleep minutes don't roll over!"

Anxiety Buster #6: Get your lavender on!
Lavender oil has many healing properties and can be used as a natural remedy to reduce anxiety as well as other nervous conditions. Need some quick start ideas?

1. Add essential lavender oil to your bath water for a calming bath.
2. Fall asleep quicker when you add a few drops to a tissue and then place it under your pillow.
3. Alleviate headaches by applying the oil to a cotton ball or your fingertips and massage slowly into your temples.
4. Used as an expectorant, lavender can break up the mucous from nasal and chest congestion that accompanies a cold.

Anxiety Buster #7: Reduce caffeine, sugar, and processed foods from your diet.
Enough said. But in case you still need an explanation...

- Caffeine can cause heart palpitations if you ingest too much. It can also trigger panic or anxiety attacks, especially if you already have an anxiety disorder.
- Sugar acts as an adrenal stimulant and can cause anxiety or even panic attacks. Other offensive foods include those containing refined flour products.

Anxiety Buster #8: Practice gratitude.
As bad as your situation is, there's always someone out there in a worse predicament. Make a mental note of the positive things in your life, and remember that everything in life is temporary - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Anxiety Buster #9: Attend a social gathering (even if you don't want to).
Especially if you're prone to social anxiety, it's important to make time for socialisation. It's cool to be an introvert, but know that we live in a universe that revolves around connecting with other people.

Anxiety Buster #10: Exercise, exercise, exercise.
"Exercise is nature's anti-anxiety remedy. Besides clearing the mind, firing up the endorphins, and helping you sleep soundly at night, researchers have found that individuals who exercise vigorously and regularly were 25 percent less likely to develop an anxiety disorder within five years."

Of course, the key to making the actions above work is consistency. YOU are the expert on your life. By giving each a shot, you can choose the ones that work best for you, ultimately helping yourself in the short run and the long run.

Category(s):Anxiety, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love

Source material from Psychology Today