5 Ways Mentally Strong People Conquer Self-Doubt

Posted on June 15, 2017

Self-doubts and insecurities are natural feelings that everyone will feel sometimes, even for individuals who are usually confident. However, when the level of self-doubt is not in check, it can have an adverse impact on our self-esteem and limit us from reaching our fullest potential. Mentally strong people are the ones who can manage their self-doubts effectively and do not allow those insecurities to prevent them from reaching their goals. Amy Morin describes 5 ways to keep self-doubt from holding you back:

1. Embrace (a little) self-doubt
Recognize that self-doubt can be helpful. Having self-doubt can actually motivate you to put in more effort into the task until you can feel more confident about it. In fact, studies have shown that slight insecurity can bolster your performance. A 2010 study published in Psychology of Sport and Exercise found that individuals who experienced a little self-doubts performed better compared with people who were completely confident in their skills. There were similar findings from other studies as well.

2. Question the evidence behind your thoughts
When self-doubts are weighing down on your shoulders, you should try examining the truth behind it. Confront your self-doubts with questions that look into the validity of your thoughts - are there evidence, or are they merely assumptions? Looking at facts can help you see things in a more objective and realistic way.

3. Consider the worse-case scenario
When you find yourself thinking that things will go badly, ask yourself what's the worst thing that could happen, and if things would really be as bad as you imagined, should the worst case scenario happen. Remind yourself that even if things go terribly, it is unlikely to be unmanageable. Keeping things in proper perspectives can help you calm your nerves.

4. Monitor your emotions
Our emotions can have a great impact on how we think and behave. Anxious emotions can fuel self-doubts and impair our performance, hence it is important to regulate our emotions. Paying attention to how your emotions influence your choices is important. Whenever you start feeling anxious, give yourself a little breather by going for a walk or engaging in an activity that can allow you to relax.

5. Focus on your present performance
Before you are about to perform, be mindful of your inner dialogues. Instead of negative ones which can drag you down, such as 'I'm going to do badly', reinforce yourself with positive ones such as 'I will do my best'. Then, stay focused on the present and channel your energy on the right places - your present performance.

Remember that we have control over our thoughts and self-doubts, it is possible to still be confident as long as you are able to keep your level of self-doubts in check.

Category(s):Self-Doubt, Stress Management

Source material from Psychology Today