Keep Your Cool! How to Stop Meltdowns in Their Tracks

Posted on May 19, 2017


Daily frustrations annoy all of us, some more so than others. Sometimes, just one additional annoyance can push us over the edge - but meltdowns don't have to be inevitable. Psychology Today recommends using 12 strategies in order to prevent having a full-on meltdown:

Preventing Meltdowns Before They Start

1. Identify your trigger situations for meltdowns and make a plan.
"Knowing yourself and your weaknesses can often help you sidestep frustrating situations before they occur." Or, on a deeper level, ask yourself why you let things get you bothered so often.

2. Understand why daily hassles are so disturbing.
According to stress expert Melanie Greenberg, "daily hassles erode your peace of mind because they occur frequently and accumulate so quickly that there may be no time to recover from any one of them.

3. Get to know your unique stress signals.

In the Situation

4. Reappraise.

5. Be realistic.
Frustration results when we are prevented from reaching our goals. The solution? Realism. Adjust your expectations for the day when something doesn't go the way you'd planned.

6. Take deep breaths.

7. Ask assertively for what you need from the other person.

8. Have a few helpful mantras in mind.
"I can handle this."
"We can work it out."
"Things just take time."

9. HALT!
"HALT" is an acronym for "never let yourself get too [H]ungry, too [A]ngry, too [L]onely, or too [T]ired." Remind yourself that taking breaks will actually make you more productive in the long run.

10. Soothe yourself with kind self-talk.

11. Empathise with the other guy.

When All Else Fails

12. Apologise
Let's face it - we all make mistakes sometimes. On the off chance that you do lose your temper with someone, apologise! It shows respect and empathy for the wronged person.

The bottom line: We're only human; most of us will have meltdowns every now and then. Though it feels like you can't control when you boil over, what you can do is learn to prevent them, cope better, and learn to apologise when you've mistreated someone. Eventually, you'll grow a longer "fuse" and feel proud that you can stay calm, cool, and collected for whatever life throws your way.

Category(s):Anger Management, Mindfulness

Source material from Psychology Today