Cultivate Self-Compassion, Freshies!

Posted on February 10, 2017

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Hey freshies, do not be so hard on yourself. The key to sustaining well through your first year in university may be having self-compassion, according to new research from the University of British Columbia.

Studies have shown students with higher levels of self-compassion felt more energetic and optimistic during their first semester of school. Their engagement and motivation with life are in sync with their sense of self-compassion levels.

"Our study suggests the psychological stress students may experience during the transition between high school and university can be mitigated with self-compassion because it enhances the psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which in turn, enriches well-being," said Katie Gunnell, the study's lead author and a junior research scientist at Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute in Ottawa.

Interventions in self-compassion includes exercises, for instance, writing self-compassionately about a negative experience. This helps them avoid negative self-judgment or feelings of inadequacy. Self-compassion signifies one not to be overly critical of oneself, recognising failure is universal and mindfulness – being present and calm in the moment.

In previous research, self-compassion interventions have also proven to lower self-criticism and negative ruminations in high performance female athletes.

So, enhance self-compassion to get through your first year of university life!

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Category(s):Academic Issues

Source material from Science Daily