10 Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease You Should Know

Posted on January 18, 2016

Did you know that more than 5 million people in the US have Alzheimer's?

There are 10 main signs of Alzheimer’s, explained Dr Erin Yelland, an expert on ageing:-

1) Memory Loss That Disrupts Everyday Life - Alzheimer's involves repeatedly asking for the same information and forgetting important dates/ events.

2) Problems With Planning Or Solving - For a person with Alzheimer’s disease, making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich may be a complicated task, because it has many steps involved: getting out the bread, getting out the peanut butter and jelly, and applying those ingredients to the bread. This order of steps may even get tangled in their brain.

3) Difficulties With Familiar Tasks - (Eg: navigating around the usual routes, forgetting to turn off the tap)

4) Time/Place Confusion

5) Getting Visual Images And Spatial Relationships Mixed Up - (Eg: Vision problems, problems with reading and driving)

6) New Speaking Or Writing Problems - (Eg: Instead of saying 'watch', a person with Alzheimer's may say "wrist clock' and often have difficulty in locating the right word)

7) Losing Items - People with Alzheimer's could place things in unusual places and then accuse others of deliberately moving them or taking them away.

8) Poor Judgement

9) Giving Up On Social Gatherings

10) Experiencing Mood And Personality Changes - People with Alzheimer's often experience mood swings. One moment they could be suspicious, the next depressed and after which confused.

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Category(s):Developmental Disorders (Autism, Aspergers, etc.)

Source material from PsyBlog