Abused or Abusive?

Posted on January 16, 2016

It may seem that physical abuse is far worse than emotional abuse, since physical violence can leave you with scars. But, the scars of emotional abuse are very real, and they run deep. In fact, emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse—sometimes even more so.

Ask yourself the following questions to find out if you are a victim of an abusive relationship or you are abusing someone you are with...

1) Humiliation, criticism? - Does anyone make fun of you or put you down in front of others? Do they tell you that your opinion or feelings are “wrong?” Does anyone regularly ridicule, dismiss and disregard your feelings?

2) Domination,control? - Does anyone treat you as though you are inferior to them? Do they remind you of your shortcomings? Do you feel you must “get permission” before going somewhere or before making even small decisions?

3) Accusations, blaming? - Does anyone accuse you of something contrived in their own minds when you know it isn’t true? Do they make excuses for their behavior or tend to blame others or circumstances for their mistakes? Do they blame you for their problems or unhappiness?

4) Emotional distancing aka The Silent Treatment? - Do they use pouting, withdrawal or withholding attention or affection? Do they play the victim to deflect blame onto you instead of taking responsibility for their actions and attitudes? Do they not notice or care how you feel?

5) Co-dependence? - Does anyone treat you not as a separate person but instead as an extension of themselves? Do they disrespect your requests and do what they think is best for you?

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Category(s):Relationships & Marriage

Source material from AlwaysLadies