Think your child suffers from Depression?

Posted on October 14, 2015

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"It's difficult for parents to recognize depression in teens, since kids in this age group can have more emotional highs and lows, and they also tend to isolate themselves more," said Dr. Gene Beresin.

It can also be complicated to tell the difference between the typical turmoil of a teenager, and a depressed teen.

Here are some tips for parents whose teens seem to be exhibiting depressive symptoms.

1. Observe changes in your kids.

Tune in to behavioral clues that can reveal how teens are feeling.

2. Notice patterns.

If you see a major change in your teen's patterns, to the point where your child almost seems like a different person and it cuts across different situations, then depression may be a real possibility.

3. Get outside information.

Find out from other people who know your teen — whether your teen seems different around them.

Click on the link below to read the full article.

Category(s):Depression, Parenting

Source material from Live Science