Why cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) should be first-line treatment for chronic insomnia

Posted on June 16, 2015

Cog­ni­tive behav­ioral ther­apy offers a drug-free method for man­ag­ing insom­nia (Har­vard Health):

“Many peo­ple with insom­nia turn to sleep­ing pills, which often have unwanted side effects. Few of them know about an equally effec­tive ther­apy that tar­gets the root cause of insom­nia with­out med­ica­tions. Called cog­ni­tive behav­ioral ther­apy for insom­nia, or CBT-i, this short-term talk ther­apy teaches peo­ple to change the unpro­duc­tive think­ing pat­terns and habits that get in the way of a good night’s sleep…

In a review arti­cle in this week’s Annals of Inter­nal Med­i­cine, researchers com­bined data from 20 dif­fer­ent tri­als of CBT-i involv­ing more than 1,100 peo­ple with chronic insom­nia. On aver­age, peo­ple treated with CBT-i fell asleep almost 20 min­utes faster and spent 30 fewer min­utes awake dur­ing the night com­pared with peo­ple who didn’t undergo CBT-i.

These improve­ments are as good as, or bet­ter than, those seen in peo­ple who take pre­scrip­tion sleep med­ica­tions such as zolpi­dem (Ambien) and eszopi­clone (Lunesta). And unlike med­ica­tions, the effects of CBT-i last even after the ther­apy ends—at least six months, accord­ing to one study.”

To read the full article, click on the link below.

Category(s):Sleep Disorders

Source material from Sharp Brains