The Most Relaxing Yoga Poses To Help Fight Depression, Anxiety

Posted on April 30, 2015

Yoga is a therapeutic practice that's been known to relax the body and calm the mind. But you don't need to tie yourself up in a pretzel to experience the antidepressant benefits, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed the top six relaxation techniques and have found yoga is the most effective way to alleviate depression. If you throw music in the mix, it's also great for anxiety.

"It could help counterbalance the negative effects of aging, improve physical functioning, postpone disability, decrease morbidity and mortality, stimulate the mind, and increase hope, reducing the risk of anxiety and depression," the authors wrote, according to Time. "It is believed that the PMRT has a tranquilizing effect, triggers a sense of peacefulness, helps participants retreat mentally from their problems, and curtails negative thoughts, reducing depressive symptoms."

Reap the benefits of PMRT with a step-by-step yoga guide provided by NCCAM. First, throw on some loose clothing, assume a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Flex and release each of the following muscle groups, in this order, for five seconds: forehead, eyes, nose, lips, jaw, cheeks, hands, forearms, upper arms, shoulders, back, stomach, hips, buttocks, thighs, feet, and toes. After assessing each muscle, redo any groups that may still feel tight for three to four more sets.

Category(s):Anxiety, Depression, Meditation

Source material from Medical Daily