Maximising Productivity

Posted on March 20, 2015

Photo: flickr

What’s the best way to start your day so that you really get things done?

1) Stop Reacting
Get up before the craziness of life consumes you. Stop reacting, stop trying to race to something. Thinking that we are already behind time. Thus, don’t check your email or anything else that dictates your behaviour.
It will restrict you from achieving your goals as you are trying to react to what the world threw at you.

2) Decide The 3 Things That Matter Today
Most of us deal with fundamentally two types of tasks: Shallow and Deep
Shallow work: Does not require to think deeply. Ie. Checking emails, moving information around.
Deep Work: Pushes your current abilities to your limits. This produces high value results and improve your skills.
Shallow work prevents you from getting fired. Deep work helps you to get promoted. Thus, deep work should be the priority.
is little stuff like email, meetings, moving information around. Things that are not really using your talents. Deep work pushes your current abilities to their limits. It produces high value results and improves your skills.
Shallow work stops you from getting fired — but deep work is what gets you promoted. Deep work must get priority.
Specify in what you need to get done, this helps you to feel greater control of your life.

3) Use Your “Magic Hours” For Your 3 Goals
Most of us are productive 2.5 to 4 hours after waking. Perhaps, you would like to focus on your 3 goals at that time. Or if you are a night owl, protect those hours. Do your key tasks during that hours.

4) Have A Starting Ritual
To fight against procrastination, develop a habitualised response to starting. If getting a cup of coffee, or going to your productive spot helps, do it!
Habits forms from conditioning an action and outcome, and the associated contexts. Once the habit is formed, the cues from the context could help to activate the behaviour.

5) Use “Positive Procrastination”
The key to productivity could just be to add more commitments. Procrastinate one by working on the other.

Category(s):Career Development and Change

Source material from Time