I Have Asperger's, and My Mum Says My Brain Works Differently. How So?

Posted on April 15, 2014

Scientific evidence points to the brain of people with autism and Asperger's syndrome as being different but not necessarily "disordered." Studies have shown that the brain in autism develops differently, in terms of both structure and function, compared with more typical patterns of development, and that certain parts of the brain are larger or smaller in people who have autism compared with those who have a more typical brain.

One structural difference resides in the brain's corpus callosum, which connects the right and left hemispheres. Most studies show that the corpus callosum is smaller in certain sections in people with autism, which can limit connectivity among brain regions and help explain why people with autism have difficulty integrating complex ideas.

An example of a functional difference is in the activity of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which is typically active in tasks involving theory of mind - the ability to imagine other people's thoughts and feelings - but is underactive when people with autism perform such tasks.

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Source material from Scientific American