Deceptive Psychology and Poker

Posted on January 4, 2014

The psychology involved with poker makes it an interesting subject for study as deception and misinformation are so common.

Dr. Paul Seager is a senior psychology lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire specializing in deceptive psychology. He has used his knowledge to help him win when playing poker and discusses the topic regularly in both psychological and poker publications.

Speaking about poker, the first technique mentioned by Dr. Seager is to use a player’s honest baseline to detect when deception may be at play: “Try to analyse what your opponent’s demeanor is like when they are acting naturally. Are they loud, verbose and animated or are they shy, quiet and reserved?”

Then once play has started, subconscious influences which cause a shift from the natural behavior can highlight when a player is trying to deceive: “If you have observed your opponent being very talkative and animated before the game and then all of a sudden when the cards are dealt he is quiet, you are put on alert and become suspicious – you can assume that he is holding a monster hand.”

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Category(s):Gambling Addiction

Source material from Brain Blogger