The Most Depressed States In The US

Posted on October 11, 2013

Mental health organisations across the world are raising awareness on Thursday, Oct. 10, for World Mental Health Day.

In 2006, a survey was done to map the level of depression in each state in the United States from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention,. One trend that’s worth calling attention to is the rate of depression in some states in the South.

In a 2012 survey, the figures from another survey further affirmed the observations made in the previous one.

Clinical psychologist and CDC epidemiologist Lela McKnight-Eily told USA Today in 2010 that the South might be more depressed because of the prevalence of chronic health issues such as obesity, heart disease, stroke, and sleep problems.

“There could also be differences in socioeconomic status, the presence of other mental health conditions and also access to health care and treatment,” McKnight-Eily said.

The results shows that the Top 10 states with the best well-being score in descending order are Hawaii, Colorado, Minnesota, Utah, Vermont, Nebraska, Montana, New Hampshire, Iowa, and Massachusetts.

The bottom 10 states with the lowest scores in descending order are Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Indiana, Ohio, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, and West Virgina.


Source material from Business Insider