For those of us in the helping professions – therapists, social workers, psychologists – there is a split that divides us. It goes something like this:
There are those of us who are in the field to “help people” and those of us who are just here to “make money.”
Or at least that’s the attitude that subtly (or not so subtly) makes its way into the conversation when talking about money and therapy.
We have all experienced the burnout that comes with working in a broken system while reaping little financial compensation. We want to make change. We get together in groups to discuss all the ways the systems are broken. But then, at the end of the day, we go home, pass out, only to begin another 12-hour slog the next day.
This often leaves us feeling resentful, frustrated and defeated.
In reality, money is simply a tool. Despite the skepticism I see on the faces of my colleagues when I point this out, there are many people who use their money to do good. With more money, it is possible to do more good – for others and for yourself.
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Category(s):Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance, Mental Health Professions, Values Clarification
Source material from Psych Ed in San Francisco