Treating Schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder Differently

Posted on November 6, 2013

Psychopathology may be represented as residing on a continuum, ranging from, at one end “psychotic” to at the other end, “normal”. “Personality disordered” and “neurotic” lie between the two. However, there are general differences in the psychological and relational experience of individuals with schizophrenia versus those with borderline personality disorder.

Most people with schizophrenia are psychologically assaulted by their internal experiences in the form of hallucinations. They lack perceived emotional and relational boundaries within their minds due to the onslaught of auditory hallucinations more or less commenting on their thoughts and behavior.

This results in emotional distancing of themselves from real people and auditory hallucinations from which schizophrenics cannot escape. People with schizophrenia may be threatened and overwhelmed by painful emotional experience, causing resistance to emotional and relational engulfment in the material world.

People with borderline personality disorder can experience hallucinations intermittently. However, it is not generally as intrusive as that experienced by schizophrenics. While the emotional experience of people with borderline personality disorder is punitive, it is not as devastatingly painful. Even though people with borderline personality disorder are dramatic about their own emotional pain, schizophrenics simply shut down emotionally due to their psychological suffering. This results in limited emotional expression and a lack of motivation.

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Category(s):Borderline Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia

Source material from Brain Blogger