Mindfulness: What You May Not Know

Posted on August 1, 2013

I've had the privilege of leading hundreds of mindfulness groups over the years as well as retreats and all-day mindfulness workshops for professionals and the general public. When I ask participants and people in audiences questions relating to these points below, I end up straining my ears to hear a response. Each of these 11 observations and findings is important so hopefully this blog entry will dispel some of the silence.

The scientific definition of mindfulness involves self-regulation and curiosity

While there are many definitions of mindfulness floating around, few people know that leading mindfulness scientists came together in the early 2000s to come up with a formal definition of mindfulness in order to better understand this interesting phenomenon. The consensus was that mindfulness is: 1.) The self-regulation of our attention along with 2.) an attitude of curiosity, openness, and acceptance. It is interesting that two character strengths are at the core of mindfulness itself.

Mindfulness and relaxation strategies are very different

Many practitioners meld these two approaches together or use the words synonymously. And, many mindfulness teachers attempt to “set the mood” by playing background music. The purpose of mindfulness, however, is NOT relaxation. The purpose of mindfulness is the cultivation of awareness. Period.

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Source material from Psych Central