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Certificate in Coaching Mastery for Caring Professionals

Date: 22 Nov 2015 - 29 Nov 2015

Hong Kong

Whatis Coaching ? Coaching as a discipline is –

1.Communication — a conversation like none other that focuses exclusive on an individual's best dreams and hopes for a more compelling future.

2.Unconscious back-of-the-mind communication that elicits the mental and emotional frames which governs the one's experience that gets to the heart of things.

3.Generative change - that takes an individual to his/her next level of development and transformation.

4.The implementation of the change - so that the solution or new performance can be actualized and the progress that makes can then be measured.

5.Systemic thinking and working - so that the conversation and change is holistic and healthy for every aspect of life.

6.The self-actualizing of one's highest and best potentials - so that moves to next level of development and success and unleashes potentials.

7.The facilitation of all of these dynamic processes—a conversation that enables an individual to find, access, and mobilize his/her best resources for making the change real.

Trainer: Dr. L. Michael Hall, PH.D.

The co-founder of the International Society of Neuro-Semanticsand the Meta-CoachTMFoundation (MCF),Michael, is the Academic Director and Researcher for the MCF and has authored and published more than 50 books.He is a developer, researcher, coach, international trainer and prolific author in the Cognitive Sciences. He has developed the most cutting-edge new concepts in NLP and NS today, the Meta-States Model, Matrix Model, and co-developed the Axes of Change Model.

Duration: 9:00am–9:00pm

Venue: 8/F, Breakthrough Centre, 191 Woosung Street,Jordan , Kowloon

Brochure: Download


HK$29,000 - Enroll the course before 31 July 2015

Language: English

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*Psychology Matters Asia is not the organizer of the posted event. If you have any enquires, please direct them to the contact in the information.

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