Do You Feel Emotions Deeply? These Tips Might Help

Do you get overwhelmed by your emotions? You might be going about your day, and suddenly, an interaction sparks a strong feeling. Your fight, flight or freeze response kicks in. Your heart starts pounding, your muscles tense and your breath becomes ...

Sep 14

Categories: Anger Management, Anxiety, Caregiver Issues / Stress, Depression, ...


Why Exercise and Relaxation Techniques Benefit The Socially Anxious

In treating social anxiety - discomfort or fear in social situations, often of being judged - both relaxation techniques and exercise have been found beneficial.

Aug 5

Categories: Anxiety, Relaxation techniques, Social Anxiety / Phobia


Teaching the Brain to Calm Itself

Estimates of combat-related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in U.S. veterans since the Vietnam War ranges from approximately 2& to 17%. Additional studies of combat veterans of more recent wars places the range of Iraq War returnees who suffer ...

May 15

Categories: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / Complex PTSD, ...

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