Omega-3 supplements and antioxidants may help with preclinical ...

Here's more evidence that fish oil supplementation and antioxidants might be beneficial for at least some people facing Alzheimer's disease: A new report published in the July 2015 issue of The FASEB Journal describes the findings of a very small ...

Jul 1

Categories: Adult psychological development


Living your life

Are you living the dreams of someone else’s will? Have your dreams and aspirations become a fantasy and is now long buried within you?

Jun 26

Categories: Adult psychological development, Career Development and Change


Surgical anesthesia in young children linked to effects on IQ, brain ...

Children who received general anesthesia for surgery before age 4 had diminished language comprehension, lower IQ and decreased gray matter density in posterior regions of their brain, according to a new study. The authors of the study recommend ...

Jun 10

Categories: Adult psychological development, Child Development


Alzheimer’s and Sleep Quality Linked In New Study

Poor sleep is a channel through which Alzheimer’s disease can be triggered, a new study finds. Professor Matthew Walker, one of the neuroscientist who authored the study, said: “This discovery offers hope. Sleep could be a novel therapeutic ...

Jun 9

Categories: Adult psychological development


Teachers' health: Healthy heart, Stressed psyche

As a result of their work, teachers suffer psychosomatic disorders such as exhaustion, fatigue, and headaches more frequently than other occupational groups. This has been shown by Klaus Scheuch et al. in a recent review article in Deutsches ...

Jun 8

Categories: Adult psychological development


Rationality of Lying

We think of ourselves as good, honest people. Yet, we lie from time to time. Are we deceiving ourselves?

Jun 6

Categories: Adult psychological development, Identity Problems, Values ...


Delay of gratification linked to how brain structures are connected

The ability to delay gratification in chimpanzees is linked to how specific structures of the brain are connected and communicate with each other, according to new research.

Jun 5

Categories: Adult psychological development, Child Development


5 Ways an Extrovert Can Thrive

Extroverts often get a hard wrap. They are exuberant and outgoing, and when this is not managed it can leave other people (especially introverts) feeling bulldozed and drained off all their energy. That being said, extroverts are the life of the ...

Jun 4

Categories: Adult psychological development, Child Development


Can our Brains actually be "Full'?

The brain is incredibly complex and marvelous and it seems as if it has an endless storage capacity. But is there a point where it reaches capacity? In other words, can the brain be “full”?

Jun 3

Categories: Adult psychological development


Harsh, Critical Parenting May Lead to Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

In an age when the formula for success seems infinitely regressive - when having a good career means going to a good college, which requires acing your way through a top high school, middle school and even preschool - the onus is on the parent to ...

Jun 3

Categories: Adult psychological development


Secrets are as heavy as a physical weight.

Secrets are as heavy as a physical weight. Secrets could be money troubles, bad habits and quirks and what not.

May 9

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Adult psychological ...


Seduction by Neuroscience

There is some sort of attraction between Psychology students and neuroscience. What is distinctly persuasive about neuroscience? There were studies from 2008 that showed how brain images are compelling, or that neuroscience information that explains ...

Apr 25

Categories: Adult psychological development


Eyewitness Testimony Not Reliable All the Times

Eyewitness testimony might not exactly be reliable, even if the witness believes that he/she is telling the truth.

Mar 14

Categories: Adult psychological development


Estrogen receptor expression may help explain why more males have ...

The same sex hormone that helps protect females from stroke may also reduce their risk of autism, scientists say.

Sep 11

Categories: Adult psychological development, Autism spectrum disorders


Perceived control over setbacks promotes persistence

What makes people decide whether to persist or to give up on their goals in the face of setbacks? New research published online in the Cell Press journal Neuron reveals that when people perceive themselves as having control over the setbacks they ...

Sep 9

Categories: Adult psychological development, Happiness, Self-Confidence, ...

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