Cultivate Self-Compassion, Freshies!

Hey freshies, do not be so hard on yourself. The key to sustaining well through your first year in university may be having self-compassion, according to new research from the University of British Columbia.

Feb 10

Categories: Academic Issues


Advantage of Nicotine

We are all aware of the disadvantages nicotine bring to us and how tobacco use can lead to disability, disease, and even death. However, a new research reveals how nicotine may have some benefits for patients dealing with schizophrenia.

Feb 9

Categories: Schizophrenia


Eating Disorders Are Not A Choice

A Toronto eating disorders support centre called Sheena's Place produced a compilation of clinicians and patients affected to shed light that eating disorders are not a choice.

Feb 8


This Workplace Behavior is Worse Than Outright Bullying

It is known that bullying can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Yet contrary to what one might think, direct bullying has less damaging effects than ignoring someone!

Feb 8


The Best Supplement to Improve Memory in Healthy People

Working memory is crucial to our everyday functioning. It helps us processes and manipulate pieces of information and aids our critical thinking. One study shows that a simple supplement of omega-3 can help people, young and old, to increase their ...

Feb 8


Psychotherapy Normalizes the Brain in Social Phobia

Everyone faces anxiety now and then in their everyday lives. Yet some face social phobia, where social fears cause enough anxiety to significantly impair normal functioning. Social phobia can produce intense suffering for the individual, but a study ...

Feb 7


It's Okay If You're Not a Morning Person--Your Brain Probably Isn't ...

We all have parts of our days where our brains just can't seem to function smoothly, whether at 9 in the morning or at 2 in the afternoon. Andrea Smit, a PhD student, explains that that's normal! Our bodies have certain work in time periods that ...

Feb 7


Sleep Shrinks the Brain--And That's a Good Thing!

Sleep has been studied for decades with multiple studies supporting the idea that it helps people solidify their memories and enhance learning. A new study also proposes another benefit of sleep--one which shrinks the brain.

Feb 7


The Two Brain Networks That Influence Our Decision Making

When making a decision, our brains juggle between the speed and accuracy of information. Scientists from the University of Oxford have discovered two distinct mechanisms that controls this balance.

Feb 7


3 Bad Traits That Women Find Attractive

A new study finds that women may be more attracted to dark and brooding men because of certain character traits, called the dark triad, that may be linked with having more offspring.

Feb 7


Super Bowl Psychology: Why Athletes Choke and How to Avoid It

Professional players on the field train mercilessly for months. Yet when it comes to the big game, why do some of them succumb despite all the grueling workouts and diet plans? The answer is all in the mind.

Feb 7


The Older You Are, the Nicer You Get

Throw away that stereotype of a grumpy old man. Recent discover on the things that happen naturally to people’s personality with age will surprise people who live by the phrase ‘leopard will never change its spots’.

Feb 3

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions


Talking To Your Child At Their Level

It is challenging to communicate with toddlers as they are still learning to speak in full sentences and not forgetting, they have difficulty understanding what the adults are saying to them.

Feb 3

Categories: Child Development, Parenting


Job Dissatisfaction and Mental Health

Indulging in your career can have a range of benefits, from expanding your work skills to meeting different people. Yet, too much (or even too little!) tension and pressure caused by our jobs can dramatically increase one's stress level and break ...

Feb 2

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