9 New Facts About Attraction We Learned in 2016

Do opposites really attract? Is it wise to play hard to get? Should men try to “sound sexy”… Find out the science and truth behind attraction now.

Mar 21

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Stress Can Be Reduced In This Loving Manner

Stress is a feeling commonly experienced by all. Many of us have our own coping techniques to deal with the stress we faced in our lives. New research has found that love may well be another remedy for stress!

Mar 21

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


9 Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder

Millions of people in America alone suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). There are numerous ways to have BPD, as five out of these nine symptoms must be required for diagnosis alone. Here are nine possible signs of BPD.

Mar 20

Categories: Borderline Personality Disorder


The Difference Between Large 'T' Traumas and Small 't' Traumas

Most of us may think that trauma refers to life-changing events of catastrophic proportions that drastically affect one’s emotional state of mind. These are large ‘T’ traumas. However, small ‘t’ traumas also occur to many people; while ...

Mar 20

Categories: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / Complex PTSD


The Most Reassuring Thing You Can Say To Someone Experiencing Fear ...

Fear and anxiety are like shackles. They chain and prevent you from being free to live the life you want. A clinical psychologist explains that the best way to deal with such emotions is to face them bravely.

Mar 18

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


How to Choose Between Experiential and Material Purchases

Happiness is elusive and each of us has our own yardstick of happiness. Research has shown that experiences tend to beat possessions in hitting our happiness chart!

Mar 18

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Does Keeping Busy Make Us Happy?

The hustle and bustle of life has made us quicken our footsteps, pacing through the crowd, and most of us would not admit, but we actually like the idea of being busy. There has been an assumption that keeping oneself busy makes us happy, but new ...

Mar 18

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


The Halo Effect: When Your Own Mind is a Mystery

Ever met someone attractive and think that they are intelligent, friendly and likeable as well? Well, they may really harbour all these positive qualities or you may just have been one of the many victims to the Halo Effect.

Mar 18

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Move On Quickly From Regrets Using This Writing Instruction

All of us have regrets, and some of us are able to move on from them while others drown in these regrets and suffocate themselves. New research has shown that it is not the self-esteem that we need to build to move on from regrets. It is ...

Mar 18

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


The Best Way To Make Friends And Keep Them

We all wish to keep our friends by our side by a long time, but some of us do so better than others. New research has found out what qualities make people stay. Find the secret to a long-lasting friendship now!

Mar 18

Categories: Friendships


Men and Eating Disorders

When terms like “anorexia” and “bulimia” are mentioned, an image of a female starving herself is what comes to mind. This picture of eating disorders is a flawed one, as eating disorders can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age or ...

Mar 15

Categories: Eating Disorders


The Hidden Faces of Eating Disorders

When we hear about eating disorders, what we see in our minds is an image of a young, thin and often white woman. This is, in fact, a form of bias on our part, as research shows that people who have higher weights are at higher risk of contracting ...

Mar 14

Categories: Eating Disorders


Extended Use of ADHD Medications May Suppress Adult Height

A follow-up study shows that using pharmaceuticals to treat ADHD for a prolonged period of time may cause a suppression of adult height, without actually reducing the severity of ADHD symptoms.

Mar 14

Categories: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Six Signs of An Eating Disorder

With the increasing prevalence of eating disorders nowadays, it is even more important for friends and loved ones to learn to recognise the common signs of eating disorders to help those who are suffering seek help. Here’s how.

Mar 14

Categories: Eating Disorders


In Preschool, it is Quality that Matters

There is far from a dearth of research regarding early childhood education, and the main question that researchers ask is whether attending preschool is a necessary endeavour. The latest research shows that preschool education only has long-lasting ...

Mar 13

Categories: Child Development

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