Abstract Temptations Are Easier to Avoid Than Specific Ones

Research shows that specific temptations are harder to avoid than abstract ones, because specific descriptions are more appealing than abstract ones.

Apr 17

Categories: Control Issues, Other


An Early Warning Sign of Dementia that Surfaces 9 Years Before Memory ...

A new study has found that changes in sense of humour can occur almost a decade before memory loss, the most common symptom associated with dementia.

Apr 14

Categories: Dementia


Using Yoga to Relieve Depression

A new study shows that yoga can have a positive overall effect on people with depression.

Apr 14

Categories: Depression


How To Raise Children With Short Attention Spans

New research has found that attention spans could be “passed on” to your children! Read more to find out.

Apr 13

Categories: Child Development


Spanking Children Promotes Antisocial Behaviour and Slows Mental ...

There are many ways to correct a child’s behaviour and one that some parents may use would be spanking. Research has shown that spanking is one of the ways to correct misbehaviour but at a very huge cost.

Apr 13

Categories: Child Development


The Learned Attitude That Makes Children More Anxious and Violent

The values and beliefs of society have a tremendous impact on a child’s personality. New research has discovered the reason to why children in certain countries are more likely to be more aggressive than children from other countries.

Apr 13

Categories: Child Development


How Body Language Helps Difficult Conversations

During difficult conversations, it is not only the words that matter, but our non-verbal actions too.

Apr 12

Categories: Other, Workplace Issues


A New Type of Depression

Scientists have recently discovered a new type of depression, which may account for approximately one third of all cases of major depression.

Apr 12

Categories: Depression


The Literate Brain

Just as athletes have different body physiques from non-athletes, the brain of a literate person looks significantly different from that of a non-literate person.

Apr 12

Categories: Academic Issues


What Do You See in People?

We interact with more people than we think every day. However, how many times do we actually pause and take a good look at the people we are interacting with?

Apr 11

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Self-Esteem


How to Banish Bad Habits and Control Temptations

Our habits make or break us. Anyone who has tried changing or eliminating a bad habit knows that it is harder to be said than done. Learn how to eliminate bad habits and control temptations right now to live a healthier and happier life.

Apr 10

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


The Easiest Way To Kill Stress And Tension

We all feel it, that anxiety rising in the pit of our stomachs, threatening to devour our happiness, our ability to enjoy the present moment. Stress. Tension. Nervousness One would argue that a healthy dose of such emotions will give us the ...

Apr 10

Categories: Stress Management


How Long-Term Stress Causes Serious Mental Disorders

The hustle and bustle of life has rendered stress to be a feeling prevalent to all. Even so, it is worthy to note that long-term stress is able to induce physical changes in our bodies that may lead to serious emotional disorders later in life.

Apr 10

Categories: Stress Management


Autism: 10 Facts You Should Know

Autism is one of the most common disorder in the world. Despite its prevalence, it remains largely an area that most of us may not be very aware of. Here are 10 autism facts that we should all know.

Apr 8

Categories: Autism spectrum disorders


The Modern Parenting Techniques That Hinder Brain Development

Societal changes over the years has rendered changes in our parenting techniques. It has been found that there has been some modern parenting techniques that inhibit brain development.

Apr 8

Categories: Parenting

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