It’s perfectly normal to feel insecure in the midst of divorce – right after being ripped apart the life that you used to be living and needing some adjustment time to the new life settling in. During this vulnerable period, it might made you unusually concerned about what other people say or ...
Date Posted: January 18, 2017
Categories: Divorce / Divorce Adjustment
GOFor millions of parents who raise children in two homes, tricky problems and emotional volatility often greatly complicates their negotiations. The pain of lost love can propel former partners to act impulsively out of hurt, anger or spite. The fear ...
Oct 22
Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Family ...
GOIn an article for Geelong Surf Coast Living magazine, Colleen Morris, a counsellor and family therapist, was interviewed about the impact separation has on the family, and, in particular, children. Here are six valuable facts about separation ...
Apr 22
Categories: Divorce / Divorce Adjustment
GOThose who experience persistent sleep problems after a divorce stand to suffer from more than just dark circles. They might also be at risk for potentially harmful increases in blood pressure, a new study finds.
Jul 23
Categories: Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Sleep Disorders
GODivorce has a bigger impact on child-parent relationships if it occurs in the first few years of the child's life, according to new research. Those who experience parental divorce early in their childhood tend to have more insecure relationships ...
Jul 1
Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, Divorce / Divorce ...