How spanking may affect brain development in children

Spanking may affect a child's brain development in ways similar to more severe forms of violence, according to a new study led by Harvard researchers.

Apr 27

Categories: Child Development, Parenting


Stress does not lead to loss of self-control in eating disorders, ...

A unique residential study has concluded that, contrary to perceived wisdom, people with eating disorders do not lose self-control - leading to binge-eating - in response to stress. The findings of the Cambridge-led research are published today in ...

Apr 20

Categories: Eating Disorders


Good Time Management Seems To Have A Bigger Impact On Wellbeing Than ...

As our lives have become busier, desire to do things quickly and efficiently has grown - something the rise of speed reading apps, lack of break-taking at work, and a general focus on "productivity" has shown. Good time management skills, therefore, ...

Apr 16

Categories: Happiness, Workplace Issues


Sugar not so nice for your child's brain development

Children are the highest consumers of added sugar, even as high-sugar diets have been linked to health effects like obesity and heart disease and even impaired memory function. However, less is known about how high sugar consumption during ...

Apr 13

Categories: Child Development


People with mind-blindness not so easily spooked

People with aphantasia - that is, the inability to visualise mental images - are harder to spook with scary stories, a new UNSW Sydney study shows.

Mar 30


Researchers analyse the effects of cocaine on people with mental ...

This three year-long research studied the effects of cocaine on patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or antisocial personality disorder.

Mar 24

Categories: Drug Addiction, Schizophrenia


Don't let the small stuff get you down

A new study led by University of Miami psychologists suggests that the longer negativity lingers in your brain, the unhappier you may be.

Mar 23

Categories: Happiness


If We Don't Feel Socially Accepted, We Get More Defensive When We've ...

When you've done something wrong, big or small, it can be hard to own up to it - particularly if you feel you've transgressed a moral or social code. Instead, you might avoid confronting the issue and become defensive.

Mar 18

Categories: Social Isolation


Reflecting on Your Own Capabilities Boosts Resilience

Reflecting on how you have overcome past personal challenges can help you process negative experiences, a new study from the University of Zurich confirms. Actively reminding yourself of your self-efficacy could also prove useful in the coronavirus ...

Mar 16

Categories: Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem


Lonely adolescents are susceptible to internet addiction

Loneliness is a risk factor associated with adolescents being drawn into compulsive internet use. The risk of compulsive use has grown in the coronavirus pandemic: loneliness has become increasingly prevalent among adolescents, who spend longer and ...

Feb 23

Categories: Addictions


Happy childhood? That's no guarantee for good mental health

It's well understood that a difficult childhood can increase the likelihood of mental illness, but according to new research from the University of South Australia, a happy and secure childhood does not always protect a child from developing a ...

Feb 20

Categories: Child Development, Happiness


Students enjoy classes more and get better grades if they feel their ...

According to a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, something else might have an impact on our educational achievements: our assumptions about our professors. If we believe they have faith in our ability to change ...

Feb 16

Categories: Child Development, Learning Difficulties


Covid lockdown loneliness linked to more depressive symptoms in older ...

Loneliness emerged as a key factor linked to worsening symptoms of depression and anxiety in a study of more than 3,000 people aged 50 or over led by the University of Exeter and King's College London, and funded by The National Institute for Health ...

Jan 26

Categories: Aging & Geriatric Issues, Depression, Stress Management


Money matters to happiness - perhaps more than previously thought

Research from Wharton's Matthew Killingsworth shows that contrary to previous influential work, there's no dollar-value plateau at which money's importance lessens. One potential reason: Higher earners feel an increased sense of control over life.

Jan 22

Categories: Happiness


Why your most important relationship is with your inner voice

As Ethan Kross, an American experimental psychologist and neuroscientist, will cheerfully testify, the person who doesn't sometimes find themselves listening to an unhelpful voice in their head probably doesn’t exist.

Jan 19

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion

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