Much of modern civilisation can be credited to our very human habit of keeping busy. Science, art, philosophy, technology, commerce and all the rest: it's not just necessity that's the mother of invention, it's also boredom. But there is a tension in us between our desire for activity and ...
Date Posted: September 6, 2011
GORecognition of bipolar disorder in adolescents is now clearly established. However, whether bipolarity exists in children remains controversial despite numerous studies that have been conducted on this topic in the last fifteen years. Since the ...
Sep 6
GOWhat would you do if you could do anything, and no one would get hurt? For some, such a thought experiment is easy. For others--especially women--it can be incredibly difficult. Getting Unstuck, a guide to unblocking your creativity, says you ought ...
Sep 5
GOStudies by psychologists at the University of Toronto reveal that when it comes to white men, being straight may make you more likable but in the case of black men, gays have a likability edge. In one study, 22 women and nine men viewed 104 photos ...
Sep 5
GOhose in emotional pain long for that pain to stop, but that longing makes them more susceptible to pitches for products that allegedly will help but can do great harm. People who have been labeled seriously mentally ill are dying 15 to 25 years ...
Sep 5
GOAre children getting outside enough to play with each other? Not as often as they should, according to one researcher, who argues that a lack of free play -- and fewer opportunities for children of different ages to mix -- may be responsible for ...
Sep 3
GOChild welfare professionals know that children are safer and healthier when the adults in their lives have healthy relationships, but most social workers are not trained to educate couples about strong relationships and marriages. Researchers at the ...
Sep 3
GOAlthough parents may have a hard time believing it, even infants can be trained to improve their concentration skills. What's more, training babies in this way leads to improvements on other, unrelated tasks. The findings reported online on Sept. ...
Sep 2
GOFrequently, I hear parents trying to tame their children's undesirable behavior with some form of generalization: "Why are you so unpleasant?" "You are always fighting." "You are too selfish." "Why can't you be like your sister?" Exasperated at her ...
Sep 2
GOHow the brain controls impulsive behavior may be significantly different than psychologists have thought for the last 40 years. That is the unexpected conclusion of a study by an international team of neuroscientists published in the Aug. 31 issue ...
Sep 1
GOWe live in a time of high anxiety. Despite the world's unprecedented total wealth, there is vast insecurity, unrest and dissatisfaction. In the United States, a large majority of Americans believe that the country is "on the wrong track". ...
Sep 1
GOToday’s lesson from Sherlock Holmes deals with learning to cull and to cultivate knowledge in such a way that your decision process will be optimized for the question at hand, and not get bogged down in irrelevant minutiae – a lesson that is ...
Aug 31
GOMore men initiating counselling for emotional problems. BEN TAN (not his real name) tries his hardest to avoid conflict. However, the consultant in his thirties admitted that his passive approach never did work out well. Speaking to TODAY, Ben ...
Aug 31
GOI always find it amusing when people talk nostalgically about “the good old days” when arguing that today’s generation is “out of control.” ”Today’s kids are so violent… When I was a kid I would have never gotten away with that!,” ...
Aug 29
GOTime slowed to a crawl as my little Nissan Sentra approached the BMW in front of me. With a pronounced crunch, one bumper smashed into another. The green metal hood scooted back, folding into a sharp crease near the windshield. As freeway traffic ...
Aug 27
GOA new study involving nearly 2,500 high school students demonstrates the value of routine mental health screening in school to identify adolescents at-risk for mental illness, and to connect those adolescents with recommended follow-up care. The ...
Aug 27