Scientists are testing the theory that intelligent parents are fuelling the rise in the number of autistic children. A team of researchers at Cambridge University is exploring the link between high-achieving parents, such as engineers, scientists and computer programmers, and the development of ...
Date Posted: November 24, 2011
GOThrough craft-making, a woman recovering from depression finds her worth. If you were to purchase craft items from Junaidah Mohd Eusope (picture) at a Suntec pushcart on weekends, you would never suspect that the cheerful, articulate lady once cried ...
Nov 23
GOTranssexual individuals who identify themselves as such in the workplace are more likely to have greater satisfaction and commitment to their job than transsexuals who do not, according to a new study from Rice University and Pennsylvania State ...
Nov 23
GO“Happier people live longer,” is old news for us positive psychology fans. That happier people tend to be healthier is also something we’re now well aware of, in large part thanks to Sheldon Cohen’s research showing that happier people enjoy ...
Nov 22
GOThe less people know about important complex issues such as the economy, energy consumption and the environment, the more they want to avoid becoming well-informed, according to new research published by the American Psychological ...
Nov 22
GOWhat you expect about aging shapes the way you actually age. the headline above tells only part of the story of a new study just published by two researchers in my own department at Tufts University, Ayanna Thomas and Stacey Dubois. They found that ...
Nov 21
GOA hormone released by the stomach may activate the brain's reward system and motivate us to buy high-calorie food. The first law of home economics states that the amount of food in a supermarket trolley rises in direct proportion to the shopper's ...
Nov 21
GOSurvivors of suicide loss gather at hundreds of simultaneous healing conferences around the world every year on International Survivors of Suicide Day to connect with others who have survived the tragedy of suicide loss, and express and understand ...
Nov 19
GOSINGAPORE - Despite the proliferation of mental health services here, a majority of people with mental illnesses are not seeking professional help. And among those who do, they typically leave it till late. A nationwide mental health study ...
Nov 19
GOAccording to new research, over one-in-four women take medication to treat a mental health condition. The report by Medco Health Solutions found that women of all ages take more mental health medications than males, with antidepressants being the ...
Nov 18
GOAging and health issues facing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender baby boomers have been largely ignored by services, policies and research. These seniors face higher rates of disability, physical and mental distress and a lack of access to ...
Nov 18
GOWhat if you felt you had special powers? You felt you were chosen and unique. You were smarter than everyone around you? Your family and teachers made special provisions for you to match your brilliance? You were on this earth to make a dent in it? ...
Nov 17
GOPlayful behavior is widespread in mammals, and has important developmental consequences. A recent study of young chimpanzees shows that these animals play and develop much the same way as human children. The work, published in the Nov. 16 issue ...
Nov 17
GOWhat is the key, essential component of happiness? First, let's explore what causes suffering. Some time ago, there was a woman with whom I worked who really struggled with life. She felt as though she was too heavy and thus unattractive, and she ...
Nov 16
GOThere's definitely something to be said for first impressions. New research from the University of California, Berkeley, suggests it can take just 20 seconds to detect whether a stranger is genetically inclined to being trustworthy, kind or ...
Nov 16
GOPositive psychology exercises work by developing people's strengths and emotional resources, thereby building their resilience to depression. For a new study, Susan Sergeant and Myriam Mongrain wanted to test the idea that these exercises will be ...
Nov 15