Gossip is healthy because it helps calm you down and is important in maintaining social order, a new study claims. Idle chatter in the workplace or over a coffee is often viewed as a damaging habit which spreads salacious rumours and harms people's reputations. But new research suggests gossip ...
Date Posted: January 21, 2012
GOA nurse's tender loving care really does ease the pain of a medical procedure, and grandma's cookies really do taste better, if we perceive them to be made with love -- suggests newly published research by a University of Maryland psychologist. The ...
Jan 21
GOFibromyalgia (FM) is a stress-related functional somatic syndrome consisting of musculoskeletal pain and tenderness, and additional symptoms such as fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Factors such as ill-being, often assessed as negative ...
Jan 21
GOWhen dishes were the same color as the food served, people took bigger portions. One reason Americans have such a huge weight problem? Our dishware. When faced with a bigger plate, people are inclined to heap on—and consume—more food. And plate ...
Jan 20
GOMiddle-aged men are more likely to have a poor sex life if their wife is close to their friends because it undermines their masculinity, a study has found. Researchers concluded that the social networks shared by men and their female partners could ...
Jan 20
GOStress can make you fat – and being obese can create stress. A new hypothesis seeks to explain how. Diet and lack of exercise are not sufficient to explain the worldwide rise in obesity. Stress is one of many other factors which could ...
Jan 20
GOAre you an evening person? Guess what? Early in the day, when you're bleary eyed, stumbling about in the fog of sleepiness, you're probably at your creative peak. In contrast, if you're a morning person, then for you, the evening is the best time ...
Jan 19
GOIf you are unhappy at work, it could be partly due to your boss' management style, according to a new study by Dr. Nicolas Gillet, from the Université François Rabelais in Tours in France, and his team. Both over-controlling managers who use ...
Jan 19
GONew research from Uppsala University shows that a specific brain region that contributes to a person’s appetite sensation is more activated in response to food images after one night of sleep loss than after one night of normal sleep. Poor sleep ...
Jan 19
GOGrowing evidence suggests that the problem is indeed in your head, not your penis, but that it is primarily physical. Specifically, overstimulation has produced plastic changes in your brain, which make you less responsive to pleasure—and yet ...
Jan 18
GOWhether it's investing in stocks, bungee jumping or public speaking, why do we often plan to take risks but then "chicken out" when the moment of truth arrives? In a new paper in the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, scientists from the ...
Jan 18
GOAs a rule of thumb, you’re operating within the realm of healthy perfectionism when your payoffs are greater than your costs, you are striving for and meeting standards you set for yourself, and you value organization. However, your unhealthy ...
Jan 18
GOWhy people are reluctant to exchange lottery tickets, but will happily exchange pens. Regret might not make a list of the most powerful emotions. It would probably include things like anger, happiness, jealousy, sadness and especially for us ...
Jan 17
GODoes depression have an upside? Is there some sort of evolutionary advantage for a person to become depressed, for instance, to re-evaluate their lives or perhaps a choice they made that led to their current depression? Most people who are ...
Jan 17
GOThe psychological experience of power makes people feel taller than they are, according to research by ILR School associate professor of organizational behavior Jack Goncalo and a Washington University colleague. "Although a great deal of ...
Jan 17
GOBlackberries and iPhones are meant to help workers manage their workload by giving them access to messages and alerts while away from the office. But people become so obsessive about checking their email accounts and social networking sites that ...
Jan 16