Although high levels of narcissism can impair ethical judgment regardless of one's religious orientation or orthodox beliefs, narcissism is more harmful in those who might be expected to be more ethical, according to a Baylor University study published online in the Journal of Business Ethics. "Devout people who are narcissistic and exercise poor ...
Date Posted: March 14, 2012
GOSay you're in your car, sitting at a red light behind another car. The lights turn green but the car in front doesn't move. Twelve seconds go by. Do you think you'd be more likely to honk if the car was an old Ford or if it was a brand new ...
Mar 13
GOThinking about the monetary value of our time prevents us from being able to enjoy those moments when we're not working. That's the implication of new research by Sanford DeVoe and Julian House. Once we think about our time in monetary terms, they ...
Mar 13
GOChildren may perform better in school and feel more confident about themselves if they are told that failure is a normal part of learning, rather than being pressured to succeed at all costs, according to new research published by the American ...
Mar 13
GONew research finds a relatively simple method to increase your capacity for self-control. We’ve all had that moment: you wanna punch some jerk right in the face. So, what stops us? Well, simply put, self-control. But it turns out each of ...
Mar 12
GONew research with monkeys sheds light on how the drug methylphenidate may affect learning and memory in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The results parallel a 1977 finding that a low dose of the drug boosted cognitive ...
Mar 12
GOIn “Lifting the Black Cloud,” Robin Henig surveys the search for new, improved antidepressants. Much research in the area involves laboratory mice and rats. Here, Henig explains how scientists determine whether a rodent is depressed. It’s ...
Mar 10
GOThe simplest way to make your world a better place. Behavioral research demonstrates that little things make a big difference when it comes to social interaction. Data indicate, for example, that smiling is contagious. That employees who smile more ...
Mar 10
GONew research with monkeys sheds light on how the drug methylphenidate may affect learning and memory in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The results parallel a 1977 finding that a low dose of the drug boosted cognitive ...
Mar 10
GOWE’VE all had that horrible experience: you throw a party or invite a couple over for dinner, and they start fighting, right there in front of you — the character assassination, the barely controlled anger, the neurotic transference of their ...
Mar 9
GOOne of the cornerstones of alcoholism recovery is a concept called emotional sobriety. The idea is that alcoholics and other addicts hoping to stay sober over the long haul must learn to regulate the negative feelings that can lead to discomfort, ...
Mar 9
GONearly every person has suffered the death a loved one. And, in nearly every case, the people left behind experience intense sadness, feelings of loss, an inability to concentrate, crying, and sleeplessness. In other words: grief. The debate ...
Mar 9
GOThe marketing people would have us believe that the Nintendo Wii is unlike traditional video games. It has an intuitive controller, they say, that allows you to simulate in-game movements, thus making it an ideal platform for active, social game ...
Mar 8
GOInvestigators seek new antidepressants that will act faster or give fresh options to people not helped enough by existing agents. Antidepressants restore well-being to many people, but sometimes at the cost of such side effects as weight gain or ...
Mar 8
GOYesterday, Minister of State for Health Dr Amy Khor unveiled details of a new community-based mental health plan that will be integrated with primary care and long-term care services. Six specialist-led multi-disciplinary teams will be sited in the ...
Mar 8