Cell phone use in pregnancy may cause behavioral disorders in ...

Exposure to radiation from cell phones during pregnancy affects the brain development of offspring, potentially leading to hyperactivity, Yale School of Medicine researchers have determined. The results, based on studies in mice, are published in ...

Mar 21


MIT research: The power of being heard

To help promote peace in the Middle East, many organizations have established "peace camps" or similar conflict-resolution programs that bring Israelis and Palestinians together to foster greater understanding of the opposing group. One common ...

Mar 20


Facebook's Dark Side

Carpenter's study, "Narcissism on Facebook: Self-promotional and Anti-social Behavior," is published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. Narcissism is defined in this study as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for ...

Mar 20


Three Things That Maintain Anxiety:

How many times have you had the same conversation with someone over and over again, and then became frustrated again and again because they did not follow your advice? I hear about this happening all of the time actually. I hear about it from ...

Mar 20


Changing Longstanding Habits with Self-Support

Here are some basic steps involved in changing long-standing habits: First, make peace with your personality structure. Take a positive, friendly attitude toward your history. "I've always loved risk. I was born that way. Sometimes taking risks ...

Mar 19


A Compassion Practice – The Missing Link in Self-Healing?

Many people struggle with shame. Childhood experiences of shaming and of humiliation become internalised. Instead of seeing ourselves as innocent, unlucky, recipients of bad behaviour, we often take on false messages into our brain – we deserved ...

Mar 19


Computer-Based Treatment Eases Anxiety Symptoms in Children

A computer-based training method that teaches a person with anxiety to shift attention away from threatening images reduced symptoms of anxiety in a small clinical trial in children with the condition. The results of this first randomized clinical ...

Mar 19


Afghan Atrocity: Can Stress and Head Trauma Cause a Soldier to ...

The lawyer for a 38-year-old U.S. serviceman accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians has disputed a number of theories floated to explain the actions of the staff sergeant, who was being flown to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on Friday to stand trial. ...

Mar 17


Sex-Deprived Fruit Flies Turn to Alcohol, Perhaps to Fulfill a ...

After being deprived of sex, male fruit flies, known as Drosophila melanogaster, may turn to alcohol to fulfill a physiological demand for a reward, according to a study recently published in the journal Science. Troy Zars, an associate professor of ...

Mar 17


Becoming Single Again: People Who Are Kind to Themselves Do It Better

Getting divorced can be a painful and distressing experience. Even if the parting is your idea and you really think it is the right thing to do, the process has the potential to be devastating. So what is a good way to cope, so that when the ...

Mar 17


Is Your Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

Buddha remarked on the enormous impact of perspective on human psychology when he said, "life is a creation of the mind." Shakespeare put it this way when he said "there is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so." And Flip Wilson's character, ...

Mar 15


A Positive Mindset and Happy Attitude Help You Succeed at Work

In his book, “The Happiness Advantage” (2010) Shawn Achor asserts that happy employees can actually help improve an organization’s bottom line. Achor says we often think that if we work hard and become successful, then we’ll be happy. But, ...

Mar 15


Evidence Builds That Meditation Strengthens the Brain

Earlier evidence out of UCLA suggested that meditating for years thickens the brain (in a good way) and strengthens the connections between brain cells. Now a further report by UCLA researchers suggests yet another benefit. Eileen Luders, an ...

Mar 15


How Yoga Might Relieve Stress-Linked Ailments

Yoga may increase parasympathetic nervous system activity and neurotransmitter levels, helping to decrease symptoms of some stress-related illnesses. Katherine Harmon reports. Yoga and relaxation practices have been around for thousands of years. ...

Mar 14


Aging, overweight people stay happy says new study

Growing older and being overweight are not necessarily associated with a decrease in mental well-being, according to a cross-cultural study looking at quality of life and health status in the US and the UK. The study, led by Warwick Medical ...

Mar 14

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