We like to believe that a few bad apples spoil the virtuous bunch. But research shows that everyone cheats a little—right up to the point where they lose their sense of integrity. We tend to think that people are either honest or dishonest. In the age of Bernie Madoff and Mark McGwire, James Frey and John Edwards, we like to believe that most ...
Date Posted: May 29, 2012
GODo you smile when you’re frustrated? Most people think they don’t — but they actually do, a new study from MIT has found. What’s more, it turns out that computers programmed with the latest information from this research do a better job of ...
May 29
GOTo understand the health benefits of love in a relationship, it’s important to understand the meaning and definition of love. Love has so many meanings and interpretations. Countless people in the world struggle with defining what love really ...
May 28
GOIsn’t it interesting that researchers have long known that well-educated people have much better marriages, yet this doesn’t often come up in discussions about the divorce rate? It seems to be a kind of “open secret.” I wonder whether some ...
May 28
GO"It's in their genes" is a common refrain from scientists when asked about factors that allow centenarians to reach age 100 and beyond. Up until now, research has focused on genetic variations that offer a physiological advantage such as high levels ...
May 28
GOA rise in levels of depression contributes to subsequent increases in work burnout, and burnout to later depression, according to new research. However, physical exercise can mitigate and even prevent this vicious cycle. Here's the how: Sharok ...
May 26
GOConnections between the speed of thought and feelings of euphoria have been reported in cases of clinical mania. New research now links racing thoughts with risk-taking among the general population. The speed of modern life has increased ...
May 26
GOMen are apparently pre-programmed to seek out women who act dumb as they make easier conquests, according to a study. Researchers said that at their core, the male of the species had changed little since Neanderthal times, when reproduction was ...
May 26
GONo matter how much you love your family, there’s always that one family member with whom you consistently disagree. Maybe it’s your Aunt Martha, who consistently harps on your weight or your marital status, or maybe it’s your Grandpa Joe – ...
May 25
GOWords charged with a positive emotional content are used more frequently, thus enhancing human communication. Scientists at ETH Zurich have studied the use of language, finding that words with a positive emotional content are more frequently used ...
May 25
GOA recent opinion piece in the Sunday New York Times written by a psychotherapist trying to sell a book created quite a furor in the psychotherapeutic community. In this article the author questioned the validity of long term therapy while claiming ...
May 25
GOWhen confronted with adverse situations such as the loss of a loved one, some people never fully recover from the pain. Others, the majority, pull through and experience how the intensity of negative emotions (e.g. anxiety, depression) grows dimmer ...
May 24
GOFat Bastard's revelation "I eat because I'm depressed and I'm depressed because I eat" in the Austin Powers film series may be explained by sophisticated neuroscience research being undertaken by scientists affiliated with the University of Montreal ...
May 24
GOYour brain makes value judgements based on the choices of others. What is it that makes something a hot item? It turns out that it’s maybe not the item itself so much as it is what others think of it. This comes from Mael Lebreton and ...
May 24
GOGetting up close and personal with a furry tarantula is probably the very last thing someone with a spider phobia would opt for, but the encounter may be the ticket to busting the brain's resistance to arachnids. A tried-and-true exposure ...
May 23
GOThere is a lot of research suggesting that empathy increases people’s desire to help others. Empathy is the ability to share other people’s emotion. The better able you are to feel what someone else is feeling, the more likely you are to want ...
May 23