ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed neurobehavioral disorder in children and substantial evidence indicates that biological factors play an important role in its development. For example, although the exact mechanism by which genetic factors convey increased risk for ADHD remains unclear, the ...
Date Posted: June 22, 2012
GOLast month, in a speech at Boston University, Google's Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt challenged graduates to tear their eyes away from their smartphones and computer screens for an hour a day. "Take your eyes off that screen and look into the eyes ...
Jun 22
GONew research suggests that overall happiness in life is more related to how much you are respected and admired by those around you, not to the status that comes from how much money you have stashed in your bank account. We got interested in this ...
Jun 22
GOWe all know what blogging started off as. Livejournals, devoted to people talking, with a certain amount of self-satisfaction, about themselves, what they had for breakfast, and how not getting a pony when they were 8 caused them to become a vegan. ...
Jun 21
GOPathological rage can be blocked in mice, researchers have found, suggesting potential new treatments for severe aggression, a widespread trait characterized by sudden violence, explosive outbursts and hostile overreactions to stress. In a study ...
Jun 21
GOCan social solace be found in the uncanny valley? Video games meet psychological healing in a recent collaboration between the University of Central Florida Anxiety Disorders Clinic and Virtually Better, an Atlanta company that explores virtual ...
Jun 21
GOConsumers will pay more for a single expensive item, such as a watch, than they will for a combination of that item and a cheaper one, such as a pen. In five experiments, respondents were shown a series of products—phones, jackets, backpacks, ...
Jun 20
GOIf males feel their masculinity may be at stake, they are more likely to cut ethical corners. What do Barry Bonds, Bernie Madoff, and James Murdoch have in common? They were all, in their respective areas, in it to win it – whatever the cost. ...
Jun 20
GONew mothers who read and write blogs may feel less alone than mothers who do not participate in a blogging community, according to family studies researchers. "It looks like blogging might be helping these women as they transition into motherhood ...
Jun 20
GOThis mind hack is simple: you imagine yourself way off in the future, or living in a different country or as a different person. The aim is to have that feeling of detachment, of stepping outside yourself, by whatever means you can. This puts you ...
Jun 19
GOLoneliness in individuals over 60 years of age appears associated with increased risk of functional decline and death, according to a report published Online First by Archives of Internal Medicine, a JAMA Network publication. In older persons, ...
Jun 19
GOAlthough research has shown that most of us are hopeless at spotting lies, there's been speculation in the literature that a minority of people might be unusually talented fib-detectors. The evidence for these "wizards", as they've been called, ...
Jun 19
GOPeople make complex judgements about a person from looking at their face that are based on a range of factors beyond simply their race and gender, according to findings of new research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council ...
Jun 18
GOCreative people can be a little weird. Great artists are often outsiders: they don't behave like us, they don't look like us and they don't think like us. True creativity is not the preserve of people who think the same as everyone else. ...
Jun 18
GOA link between unconscious conflicts and conscious anxiety disorder symptoms have been shown, lending empirical support to psychoanalysis. An experiment that Sigmund Freud could never have imagined 100 years ago may help lend scientific support ...
Jun 18
GOWhen the going gets tough, the tough ought to thank their fathers. New research from Brigham Young University shows that dads are in a unique position to help their adolescent children develop persistence. BYU professors Laura Padilla-Walker and ...
Jun 16