A little critical, analytical thinking is a good thing. Without doubting ourselves sometimes we'd find it difficult to make good decisions. Too much doubt, though, can stop us living our lives to the full. Some people can never make up their minds about their careers, their love lives or much ...
Date Posted: July 26, 2012
GOArrogant bosses can drain the bottom line because they are typically poor performers who cover up their insecurities by disparaging subordinates, leading to organizational dysfunction and employee turnover. A new measure of arrogance, developed ...
Jul 26
GOIn a place where technology is seen as an all-powerful answer, it is increasingly being seen as too powerful, even addictive. The concern, voiced in conferences and in recent interviews with many top executives of technology companies, is that ...
Jul 26
GOA new study led by Carnegie Mellon University's J. David Creswell offers the first evidence that mindfulness meditation ...
Jul 25
GOThe passengers of the Jet Blue flight (most of whom were traveling to the 2012 International Security Conference, ironically enough) were startled to see pilot Clayton Osbon running through the aisle screaming "say your prayers" as well as various ...
Jul 25
GOIt's a fact of life that when kids form friendship groups some would-be members get left out. A lot of psychology research has focused on what it's like to be rejected. But now a new study has taken a more unusual approach, asking children and ...
Jul 25
GOAn interesting paper by Cassie Mogilner, Jennifer Aaker, and Sepandar Kamvar in the August 2012 issue of the Journal of Consumer Research suggests that there may be two distinct kinds of happiness. One kind of happiness is a sense of calm ...
Jul 24
GOSome research has shown that people drink more when music is loud; one study found that people chewed faster when tempos were sped up. Armed with this knowledge, some bars, retailers and restaurants are finely tuning sound systems, according to ...
Jul 24
GOWe spend a great deal of time working alongside others at work. In fact, if you consider that the typical worker spends 8 hours a day at work, it means that many of us spend more face-time with our colleagues than with our own families. A more ...
Jul 24
GOWould you spend $1,800 on a Prada dress or a weekend in Italy? If you said the dress, chances are you're less happy and less adventurous than the person who would spend that money on food, travel and other experiences. A recent study at San ...
Jul 23
GOSelf-care is key for our spiritual, emotional and physical health. You probably partake in a variety of nourishing habits every day — from the bare essentials of taking a shower and brushing your teeth to getting enough sleep, exercising and ...
Jul 23
GOInfants’ and children’s personality structure is studied by studying their ‘temperaments’. To me, personality structure enfolds over time and there are some traits that are more genetic and heritable in nature while the remaining are more ...
Jul 23
GOThink about the people in your life that seem exciting or intriguing. What perks do they have access to, simply because they appear to be doing more with their lives? Maybe they’re offered more interviews or promotions, simply because people ...
Jul 21
GOPoor mothers are more likely to be classified as having the mental illness known as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) because they live in poverty – not because they are suffering from a psychiatric disorder, according to Rutgers ...
Jul 21
GOLight to moderate alcohol consumption has generally been considered to have some health benefits, including possibly reducing risk of cognitive decline. However, two studies reported today at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference® ...
Jul 21
GOAllison Winn Scotch’s novel, “Time of My Life,” is the perfect read for those of us who are prone to the “what if game.” What if we can change our past? What if we can go back in time and do it all differently? Would our future be ...
Jul 20