Psychologist Carol Ryff on Wellbeing and Aging

Six key components of well-being seem to capture what it means to function positively. One is positive self-regard, what I call “self-acceptance.” Another is having high-quality relationships with other people – “positive relationships with ...

Sep 7


Childhood sexual abuse linked to later heart attacks in men

Men who experienced childhood sexual abuse are three times more likely to have a heart attack than men who were not sexually abused as children, according to a new study from researchers at the University of Toronto. The researchers found no ...

Sep 7


Watching Favorite TV Reruns May Have Restorative Powers

A new paper that describes two studies by Jaye Derrick, PhD, research scientist at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions, found that watching a rerun of a favorite TV show may help restore the drive to get things done in ...

Sep 7


Does Alcohol Really Help People Get Along?

There’s nothing like an open bar to turn a mandatory office gathering into a late-night party, where even the most argumentative coworkers can get along. But while alcohol has a reputation for breaking down social barriers, does it really work as ...

Sep 6


War may not be cause of all military PTSD

A study, published in the journal Psychological Science, found many of the soldiers had already experienced trauma before they went to Afghanistan, and that affected the way they reacted during their posting. A small proportion of the soldiers ...

Sep 6


Why Waiting Is Torture

SOME years ago, executives at a Houston airport faced a troubling customer-relations issue. Passengers were lodging an inordinate number of complaints about the long waits at baggage claim. In response, the executives increased the number of baggage ...

Sep 6


The eyes have it: men do see things differently to women

Researchers from Brooklyn and Hunter Colleges of the City University of New York compared the vision of men and women aged over 16 from both college and high school, including students and staff. All volunteers were required to have normal color ...

Sep 5


How Your Cell Phone Hurts Your Relationships

We might expect that the widespread availability of mobile phones boosts interpersonal connections, by allowing people to stay in touch constantly. But a recent set of studies by Andrew K. Przybylski and Netta Weinstein of the University of Essex ...

Sep 5


Repeated exposure to traumatic images may be harmful to health

Repeated exposure to violent images from the terrorist attacks of September 11 and the Iraq War led to an increase in physical and psychological ailments in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults, according to a new UC Irvine ...

Sep 5


How to Enhance Closeness in Your Relationship

Would you like to increase connectedness with your partner? In what ways can intimacy be understood and improved? Authors Ronald Adler and Russell Proctor II identified four ways with which we can feel closely connected with someone. Although these ...

Sep 4


Tipping is more prevalent in countries that are more corrupt

Using data on tipping behaviour in 32 countries (collected from The International Guide to Tipping) and comparing this against the Corruption Perception Index, the researchers found that rates of corruption are higher in countries that tip more (the ...

Sep 4


Baby, You Can Drive My Car

A recent study of couples in Hong Kong and the United States, reported in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, reveals that marital satisfaction of couples is higher when the spouses travel in the same direction to get to work. The study ...

Sep 4


Is Xenophobia Now Maladaptive?

A good and wise friend who is a Jewish studies professor and a rabbi wrote me recently asking about the former adaptiveness and present maladaptiveness of xenophobia. The operative passage in his letter was, "In the global world, however, survival ...

Sep 3


Researchers decipher manic gene

Flying high, or down in the dumps -- individuals suffering from bipolar dis­order alternate between depressive and manic episodes. Re­searchers from the University of Bonn and the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim have now discovered, ...

Sep 3


Olympic Inspiration

What Olympic “moments” have inspired you? Maybe it was Michael Phelps winning a gazillion medals or Usain Bolt running faster than the speed of light. For me it was a guy I had never heard of until yesterday, Oscar Pistorius. This guy is ...

Sep 1

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